When I was in Boulder last winter Nick and Chris were talking about Bitcoin, I had my GF in Ecuador buy a few grand worth the following week.
They were worth more than an ounce of gold (yesterday). I sold half of mine in about an hour.
Wish I wouldn’t have wasted my time working since I bought them, but you never know, sometimes you win, sometimes you break even, other times if you don’t do your homework, you lose.
(Mike Auger, CMI - RI 43685, RMC-142, RMB-096)
Aren’t they up near $300 now? If some of the big players get invested it’ll stabilize a bit. A virtually untraceable international currency is gaining popularity in the black market too…
After reaching an all-time high of $1242 last week, bitcoin is feeling gravity today and the virtual currency is trading down 7.8% to $998.
Despite the sell-off, however, the newly minted-currency is the talk of the town on Wall Street and now on Main Street. Today, analysts at Wedbush had the guts to discuss bitcoin and believe it could be worth 10-100x its current price.
(Mike Auger, CMI - RI 43685, RMC-142, RMB-096)
LONDON: A British IT worker has launched a frantic search of a landfill site after realising he accidentally threw away a computer drive holding $7.5 million (5.5 million euros) in the online currency Bitcoin.
James Howells, 28, obtained 7,500 Bitcoins in 2009 when the currency was virtually worthless. Its value has since soared,
Michael, when people tell me that bitcoins are like the tulip bulb craze of the 1600’s … I tell them that I wish I was in (and out) of that bubble too. I ride the waves.
You have nothing of value when you have money in a real bank either. You have a paper I.O.U. (bank statement) that at best, can be redeemed for different pieces of paper (U.S. dollars) that are created out of thin air, backed by nothing, and that have already lost 99% of their purchasing power.
What is a “real currency?” Can you give me an example?
And the dollar can’t? It’s already lost 99% of its purchasing power and like all other currencies in human history, the dollar will be worth zero one day too.
You are ignoring what I am saying. You may not like how it is backed but it is backed and is extremely unlikley to experience anything like the change in percentage value of the bitcoin in the same time frame.
Look at it this way.
If you collected bitcoins from 1000 people to pay for CMI applications how would you feel if the price crashed to 10% of the former value the next day?