Braided Romex/NM Wiring

Florida law standard of practice denotes a licensed home inspector shall inspect the electrical system. :cowboy_hat_face:

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Thank you for your quick response! This wasn’t for insurance purposes though just a presale home inspection

Oh. Good luck with your sale.

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So he wasn’t suppose to open up the circuit panel ?

Does it sound like he wasn’t supposed to open the Panel Board?

He was required to remove the cover & evaluate the wiring, etc.
Your picture shows what’s called “cloth jacketed wiring”, not true cloth wiring.

cloth jacketed wire
The 1960’s saw the introduction of what we now refer to as Romex wiring.
It is a sheathed cable with a ground wire added for safety.
This wiring has served as the backbone for our electrical needs and
should have no insurability issues.
This wiring is generally mistakenly called out on the 4 point forms as "cloth
covered wiring" even though the wire itself is covered in pvc rubber, and is
actually “cloth jacketed wire”. In the truest sense of the word it is
technically cloth covered, but the hazard of the older wiring is that the
older rubber became brittle, whereas this wiring has a more covering around
it, which, to date, GENERALLY has not shown the degradation issues as with its predecessor.

cloth jacket wire image