Breaker amps in panel

So I was watching the advanced electrical course on InterNachi to refreshing and learn new things. One thing he mentioned was checking to see if the breakers are proper amperage. My question is I looked at the panel in my house the label says 42-125 amp breakers only but I see 15 amp breakers in this panel. Are these undersized or is that reading on the panel referring to something different and I’m just confusing myself? Cause I know most residential homes use 15-20 amp breakers?

40 not 42 sorry

Take a picture of the full label. Hard to tell with just a corner of it.

Sorry I took a picture of the corner cause that’s where I was concerned about and that’s where I saw it talk about breaker size. I read the whole panel and I couldn’t find any other spot where it talks about that so that’s why I took that picture

It says that for breakers between 40 and 125 amps you use 75° C copper conductors only.,


Ok yea that makes a lot of sense now