Attached is a picture of electrical panel rating label. To insure that I understand it correctly, #4 states that 15-30A only. Does this mean that there shouldn’t be a breaker larger than 30amps within the panel? The reason for my question, there is a 60 amp circuit breaker within the panel. I have looked high and low, but have been unable to find defenitions. If someone would be so kind to educate me I would greatly appreciate it.
Do you have a photo of the entire label? It appears that the numbers (1), (2), (3) and (4) apply to the table at the right that is cut off.
I agree - it’s a footnote, i.e., footnote 3 says you can only use 125-225a TDQ type breakers. There is a type of breaker that you can only use 15-30a, probably tandem.
The footnote relates to the table to determine the AIR (ampere interrupting rating) of the panel with different circuit breakers installed.
The portion of the label in photo #3 where it says “Use only GE type breakers:” lists the allowable circuit breakers.
Thanks for the reply.