Breezway slab & missing support beam.

As I inspected the breezeway and observed both doors being out of align, I noticed the slab being cracked and settled.

The owners rushed over & stated we have a carpenter coming out to align the door. I stated that you should have a structural qualified professional fix the slab.

The basement had a solid block wall and then busted it out to add a bar. They never installed a beam. When I moved the panels a bird fell on me. I couldnt figure where he got in.:shock:

This home had half of the foundation drainage replaced and they should of replaced all of it.

The roof leaked and was at a improperly wired light. I am glad I moved the panels.

This house had a lot of hidden problems.


72106 Parma 008 (Small).jpg

72106 Parma 026 (Small).jpg

72106 Parma 002 (Small).jpg

72106 Parma 011 (Small).jpg

72106 Parma 044 (Small).jpg

Not sure what I am looking at, but appears that Pic #1 needs to have the bottom glider rollers adjusted to aligne the doors if they are sliders.

Pic #2and 3 not sure what I am looking at.

Pic #4 appears to be a cast iron bell and spikot pipe for underdrain and gutters and they must have run out of lead and okom, and used cement of some sort.

Pic #5 leak in the ceiling, did you find out where it was coming from??

Marcel :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: