Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Somewhere, years ago, I read something which allowed wood framing to support brick work work on the framing if the brick work did not exceed a certain weight per sq foot and does not exceed a maximum total weight. I believe the weight limit is 35-40 psf, but am not sure, and don't remember anything about the total weight limit. I can't find anything on it right now.
The link is for a wall with stucco, - it looks like a wall adjoins (as oposed to a chimney) - but brick veneer would require the same flashing.
I am really not great at scounting problems from pictures, but I would agree with the other opinion that flashing and counter flashing seems to be missing or covered.
Judging from the mortar on the shingles, I would hazard a guess that the job was probably done by someone in a hurry, learning their trade, or a poor craftsman.
Originally Posted By: Susan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Most definitely appears as though there should be some flashing and counterflashing. Since this is a new construction, were there a set of the plans somewhere on the site? That would help you out tremendously as there would be specifics showing the framing etc. I know that they’re very rarely there like they’re supposed to be. Seeing as the house looks almost complete, probably not. Any chance of finding the general contractor and getting your hands on them (the plans that is!! )??
If it doesn't look or seem right, chances are pretty good that it isn't.