Brick weep holes

Brick over frame, new construction in Florida, should there not be screen in the weep holes?


Be lucky there is some type of weep hole. Most of the time I do not see them at all. Could there be some under the mulch?

they often look like that John if they bother to put them in at all…

There should be a pest screen

Never seen one. Not aware of any c#de calling for one. Bob, please cite your source.

You could make a recommendation for them (retrofit) and call it good:

‘Sorry wrong forum.’
This must be the Code Inspector Blog.:slight_smile:

John just in case you are not doing a code inspection and want to keep out pests they are a good idea and good practice.
IMO they are local codes but since I am not a code Inspector I recommend them as good practice.

I don’t know about your area, but shouldn’t there be more clearance between bottom of those bricks and ground.

Calling out the absence of something that isn’t required and is RARELY seen (rope is all I’ve ever seen, in small diameter holes) is going a little too far outside the scope for me. Let them hire a bug man if they have problems down the road.

(P.S. What device do you use to keep the pests out of a home on a crawl space–the entire subfloor is accessible. Anybody note the potential problems there?)

Frogs and snakes do a pretty good job controlling pests in crawlspaces.

I’ve never seen a pest screens either. Might start recommending cigarette filters be inserted in weep tubes to keep the pests out :slight_smile:

that looks pretty slick Larry…do you have any experience with these…I always see them open here if at all, but that doesn’t look like a bad idea…

Buck, are you really trying to make people believe that there are suppose to be screens for weep holes…please go back and take some construction courses so you know what you are talking about… if it were not so pathetic it would be laughable… you post pictures calling stuff out where there is nothing wrong or are asking for advice on how to word stuff I suppose because you are not really sure what is wrong… now it seems you are giving or inferring stuff for which you do not know what you are talking about.

Like Joe said… there is no requirement for such a thing…the only reason they use rope is for expediency…the rope will eventually rot away leaving there required size hole which is 1/2 inch in diameter.

If a screen were to be inserted, you can rest assure that it will fill up with debris.

The purpose of the weep hole is to help alleviate any moisture build up between the brick veneer and wall sheathing and quite frankly I have never seen moisture run out of a weep hole but rather allows air to flow between the cavity which should be about 1 inch between the veneer and sheathing.

The location of weep holes are at the first floor band joist level and over all doors and windows. There should be an approved flashing membrane that is attached to the wall with an moisture barrier overlapping the member. The flashing membrane then lays upon the brick foundation so that moisture does not enter on the crawlspace but rather allow same to escape to the exterior. Weep holes are often located every 4 feet.

Be careful not to become an an inspector who think he is an engineer and end up calling out all sort of crap which doesn’t exist… …those type end up looking stupid, and it gives validity to the many complaints from GC and RE boards who contend that many HI’s dont know what they are doing.

Here in North Carolina regulations have been adopted which are handicapping how inspectors perform their inspections… unfortunately much of it is the fault of inspectors who don’t know what they are doing and/or think they are GC or Engineers. (you can understand why I an adamant about stuff like this).

Hope this helps…



Its amazing at some of the crap (bad advice) I have read on some of the forums lately… I understand that HI’s are not required to be GC’s however some would do well to take some basic construction courses to get a better understanding of what they are inspecting especially in regards to foundations, exterior veneers and framing…those are the areas which can be costly one misses legit items.

How are things going in SC…also did you ever get that phased construction job I sent your way?


Simply amazing!! I’m glad you set us straight Jeff. I was ready to sign up for some masonry courses but couldn’t find any. Thanks for your stellar advice. Buck, you better give up that CMI designation.

This may help some.

[/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT][FONT=ArialMT][size=2][FONT=ArialMT][size=2]Although open head joint weeps are the recommended type of weep, some weeps are made using plastic or
metal tubes, or using rope wicks. These alternate weeps should be spaced more closely as they do not drain
water as quickly. Weep openings are permitted by most building codes to have a minimum diameter of [/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT]
[/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT][FONT=ArialMT][size=2][FONT=ArialMT][size=2]/[/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT]**[FONT=Arial][size=1][FONT=Arial][size=1]16 **[/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT][FONT=ArialMT][size=2][FONT=ArialMT][size=2]in (4.8
mm). Rope wicks should be at least 16 in. (406 mm) long and made from cotton sash cord or other materials that
wick. Items used to form weeps should not easily deteriorate or stain the brickwork. Open head joint weeps may
have non-corrosive plastic, mesh or metal screens installed if desired. Vent-type weeps can serve a dual function[/size]
of allowing water to drain, but can also allow air to enter the cavity resulting in more drying action. There is no
single method that produces the best weep for all situations.

There are numerous designs for weep hole inserts, and depending on the geographical area of the Country, certain designs are better than others.
In some areas they may need this’

and one more here;

I posted this many times. :slight_smile:

Weep holes are recommended by the brick institute and required by code.

The requirement of what type of weep holes in brick is left up to a designer or local jurisdiction.
Not one particular type of weep hole design is mandated that I know of. The presence of a weep is all that matters.



Hey guys, I did not start the weep hole discussion. I just said that I never seen them that often. I ask things to get some conversation going about inspections. Instead of all the other NON REALTED BS that goes on here!!

Everyone is an expert!!! It has been a long winter. everyone is on edge!

Linus, my comments were not directed to you or even the original person that posted the question…I have no problem with people posting questions… I do have a problem with those who think they know what they are talking about and yet dont. If I give advice or comment on same its because I actually know what I am talking about… I dont go around calling out crap where nothing exist… I don’t constantly post pictures and ask my counterparts on how I should write something up. One of the reason I finally joined Nachi was because of the enormous database that is afforded to its members… it alone is well worth the membership alone… its ashame that more people dont take advantage of it.

As to the CMI designation…I think the intent was good …and many of those that have gotten the designation such as Joe, Kenton, Marcel and other actually know what they are doing, I enjoy reading their material…however there are some who are kidding themselves…they are simply using the designation to give them some semblance of credibility… what is even more funny is that are actually starting to belief their BS. And by the way, I have brought this up to the powers that be however it appears that some want the program to stay the way it is so as to NOT verify or validate ones credentials (that could be embarrassing)… unfortunately it will eventually get to the point that it becomes a laughing stock in the industry or others actually start realizing that the requirements are deluding what program portrays.

If you look at the requirement closely there is nothing that speaks of proving ones knowledge… no additional testing, no documentation to verify ones claims of the number of inspections or hours completed…for that reason I believe it to be misleading at best. I have thought about applying and I know I am more than qualified… yet out of my personal convictions I will not apply knowing its not what it portrays itself to be.

Now some may disagree with me which is fine yet when you tell a client that your are more than just an inspector… you are a Chief Master Inspector that implies that you have vast knowledge and experience in your field…it implies that you are well versed in many of the disciplines within the industry… if that is not the case then one should be ashamed of presenting themselves in that fashion.

As, I said… I think the CMI program has good intentions…but until they actually make it so that it means what it portrays to the public…I aint buying into it…and quite frankly I dont have a problem with challenging those who call themselves something they are not.

Enough of that… time for cake and ice cream…:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


There is no need to privately email me and tell me to google weep holes…I have been building homes for 30 years…actual hands on knowledge…I understand the principle of what they are for… if you want to call them out that’s your business but please to lead other to think they are suppose to be there… the only think that will happen is they become clogged with mortar and debris…thats common sense.

Now back to my cake and ice cream

