Bulldog push matic electric panel

The Bulldog push matic electric panel is what was in the house I inspected today, I have never actually ran across one of these before, so I went to inspect apedia for help, and I could not determine what I should report on this, I am feeling I should report to update panel, the wiring is from the 60’s and nothing had a ground wire and the box is not grounded. Am I wrong for making such a bold statement when I finish my report

Are you reporting what you see?

Go for it. If that’s what you saw state it.

Bulldog pushmatic breakers are very old. The breakers have an internal grease lubricant, and can become difficult to operate, if not used and maintained regularly. Pushmatic breakers have an indicator flag meant to show whether the circuit is on or off. This flag would sometime stay stuck in position, giving a false indication of the circuit condition. The flag fails inside the breaker, making it difficult to know its condition. This can allow for shock/electrocution, even when working on a circuit you believe to be turned off.


Well I just don’t want the seller to get upset and say why would I go and say that and then they get an electrician to stick up for them and then I get slammed

I did read that and Yes I would say that is serious thanks Junior

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Electrician can’t say that it is code compliant so you are safe.

Thank you Michael, I appreciate your time

Pushmatic Circuit Breaker Info

  1. Pushmatic circuit breakers of the era in the panel use a thermal breaker
    design with no magnetic trip mechanism. Modern breakers incorporate both magnetic and thermal tripping mechanisms, increasing safety and the likelihood that they will function properly in the event of an overload or short circuit.

  2. Operating difficulty: The design of the breaker is such that, over time,
    they become very stiff and difficult to operate or reset.

  3. State of breaker On-Off unclear: Pushmatic breakers have an indicator flag showing whether the circuit is on or off. Many times, on old Pushmatic breakers, this on/off flag
    will stay fixed in either position, giving you a false indication of the condition of the circuit.
    The internal flagging mechanism that indicates the state of the circuit breaker as “on”, “Tripped”, “off” fails inside of individual circuit breakers, making it difficult for a building occupant or owner to know the condition of the breaker.

  4. Some insurance companies may consider the Pushmatic design obsolete & require replacement.


I’ve seen these panels discussed endlessly on many forums. My opinion would be to state that the equipment is dated and recommend that an electrician evaluate the panel board and branch wiring. Let the licensed electrician determine if replacement is warranted.

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Not everywhere is as backwards as Ohio. An electrician should be able to plan or evaluate a compliant installation. This is all spelled out in the codebook as to the requirements that need to be met. The inspection by the AHJ is just a validation of a correct install.

Not any different than recognizing a rolling stop without being trained in traffic enforcement.


First there is NO residential electrical license. Second Ohio requires a special test for performing electrical inspections and this has been in place since 1970.

Ohio has a higher standard. Why is that a bad thing? Using your logic anyone should be able to perform a home inspection if they understand building principles.

You continue to act as if Ohio rules apply everywhere. Other areas have required licensing for years and it covers residential and commercial without distinction. Not everyone lacks the qualifications to determine code compliance.


Everywhere in Ohio. No exceptions. Since 2001. Residential since 2006.

Yes, you are wrong.

About what? That the OBC and RCO aren’t applicable statewide?

Or that SB 176 isn’t law yet? Residential license.