The list is long, Roy, but let’s start with the biggest and best…
The National Certification Program for Canadian Home Inspectors.
Now, how many programs of yours have worked?
Bill Mullen
The list is long, Roy, but let’s start with the biggest and best…
The National Certification Program for Canadian Home Inspectors.
Now, how many programs of yours have worked?
Bill Mullen
I am going to run out and buy a shovel… not to shovel snow but to shovel…
Bill you forgot about the inproprities within CAHPI and the major signatory OAHI who has infringed on peoples charter rights! But you seem ignorant on peoples rights and obligations to truth and due process. Even OAHI intimidated you in having your remove your posts on the CAFE. You are a stalwart alright. You bend like the tree in the breeze!
Michael Larson posted…
They already have expressed the concerns on this forum and other forums.
Even Bill has been jerked around by OAHI and has expressed his concerns before, but you likely have missed them.
I have heard you cheat at cards, but to admit it, wow! Too funny! You’re a card Bill!
Sorry to say None my program has been for you to tell the truth and give the Home inspectors of Ontario the full story and to try and get you to answer some questions .
So I guess we both are complete failures .
Bill . At least we are in good company with each other.
We both have strong feelings and do what we think is correct.
I guess we have to respect each other for that.
. Hope this eventually works out so and All inspectors in Canada are winners .
Roy Cooke A Happy NACHI member
Nothing wrong with passionateness! I don’t think its frowned upon in any by-laws that I read, but rather an unwritten one.
Hey Bill
Roy was awarded Member of the Year by Nachi. I think that sums up nicely what the membership thinks of Roy and his efforts and abilities. Maybe CAHPI could take a page from Roys book on how to promote. God knows the PR work in OAHI stinks!