I have been informed that several CAHPI-OAHI members have been denied renewal in CAHPI-OAHI for apparently having the balls to speak out on the various home inspectors forums about irregular practices occuring within management of CAHPI-OAHI.
This action flies in the face due process once again and the right to be heard and actions without just cause.
Two other members had his upgrade from Retired to Full Member stifled and denied, even though CAHPI-OAHI does not have the power to do so within the by-laws.
Members have had fines imposed without a hearing which is contravention of the by-laws. No one knows how the fines that were illegally collected have been accounted for in financial statements.
Secret deals have been made by certain members of the BOD with CAHPI without consultation or knowledge of the full BOD, let alone the membership! Deals were cut that are now questionable because they were done without full disclosure. No one knows what was agreed to exactly whether it was good deal for the members or a good deal for those certain directors.
Repeated requests to obtain information from the Association Lawyer, the OAHI office staff, and the BOD and Treasurer are either not answered or when answered are what only could be described as lip service.
The question remains that CAHPI-OAHI a major signatory to the NATIONAL are being done on the fly, without full knowledge, by special interests, and by disgruntled members in the two camps that are vying for power between CAHPI National and CAHPI-OAHI.
The financial affairs of CAHPI-OAHI are still not fully disclosed just two weeks prior to the AGM.
The BOE and its committee members one of which is President of OACETT have applied the rules as they see fit and given themselves discretionary powers.
Members have been threatened and intimidated! That is a fact!
I sure hope CAHPI-OAHI get their **** together and sure hope CAHPI-OAHI has Directors and Officers Liability insurance.
With all this going on no one in Ontario should run out and sign up with the National until such time as CAHPI-OAHI is forensically audited as there are many many irregularities.