We recently asked the California Structural Pest Control Board to comments upon home inspectors and wood-destroying organism inspections.
Visit www.nachi.org/california and scroll down the page to the WDO section.
We recently asked the California Structural Pest Control Board to comments upon home inspectors and wood-destroying organism inspections.
Visit www.nachi.org/california and scroll down the page to the WDO section.
Do you have the “code” they attached to the letter?
Thank you Ben and Stephen for the links.
Good work guys.
This link: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=BPC§ionNum=7195 is on our main webpage for California at www.nachi.org/california
And the California law specifically allows a home inspector to inspect for home energy efficiency. Become a Certified Home Energy Inspector and use our free software http://www.nachi.org/home-energy-inspector.htm
They don’t need a “code” for validation. They are the authority and as such, can levy fines on any individual that they deem to be “practicing without a license.”
The Structural Pest Control Board is a state licensing agency, no different than the Contractors State Licensing Board or the California Department of Real Estate.
Jeff is correct, which is why we’ve been getting written statements from such agencies, just in case any of our members would ever need to rely on them.