I do not know if anyone posted this yet but here goes.
Home inspector ordered to pay $18,645 to buyer.
An Ontario case, Rimmer v. Building Insights Inc., may give some comfort to potential buyers – but it probably keeps home inspectors awake at night. It features a home inspector who was ordered to pay almost $19,000 to a buyer who hired him, all because he reported on a significant defect verbally, rather than in writing.
According to the article, the entire inspection took “about an hour”. Hard to imagine it being very thorough.
No limitation of liability clause in the the firm’s PIA, either. Couldn’t find any info on rates, though other verbiage suggests he is not competing based on price.
I can top that…I read another Canadian legal case study where the inspector claimed he was licensed in a province where a license is not required, and furthermore where the inspector was reported to have completed the inspection in half and hour.
It was mainly related to “sometime after taking possession, they discovered that the residence was plagued by mold. Remediation was both necessary and costly.” Deters v. Elliot
This was an old case almost a year ago since the court trial and well publicized. The house was very small around 1000 sq ft I was told. The inspector in question has been around for a long time and dropped the ball on not putting the deflection in the floor in the report. It was an old house for sure things had moved. Gotta be on your toes and take nothing for-granted.