Can a sellers agent require that the home only be inspected by ASHI inspector in a licensed state?
So I just booked an inspection for a past clients daughter. They then contacted the sellers agent to confirm time and date. Sellers agent said said they must have a copy of my ASHI Cert. I explained to my client that I am InterNACHI and state licensed and the seller can’t dictate who they choose. Sellers agent is digging there heals in, said it was written in the listing… @gromicko is this legal? Is this a violation of the realtors code of ethics?
I would hate for my client to have to get a substandard ASHI inspector.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am in Ohio btw
Email me all you have on it to ASHI is a known diploma mill (proven in court) that certifies blind felons who have never done an inspection or taken an inspection course.
I’m pretty sure a seller can dictate who or who doesn’t inspect their homes, juat as they can dictate if an inspection can be done at all. Their house, their choice. On the flip side, it’s bad business dealings on the LA’s part if they are suggesting that be included in the listing contract. No different from a LA putting a clause in the listing agreement stating that RE agents from XYZ Realty cannot show this property.
Our attorneys will have a talk with this agent’s broker and explain that by demanding a known diploma mill that certified blind felons who have never done an inspection or taken a single inspection course, their brokerage is responsible for the home. No agent should ever recommend ASHI now that it has been proven in court that they are a diploma mill.
It was just a phone call with my perspective client. They haven’t sent me the address or agent info yet.
My main concern is they are barring the buyer from hiring me because I am not ASHI. Seems like they should have no say other than the inspector of the buyers choice is state licensed.
Just go on ASHI and print out a certification.
I just found this on the Ohio Realtors website in their q&a section. I couldn’t find it in the code though.
The owner of the home can allow whoever they want into their home or require whatever certification they want! It might not be the agents doing but the owner requiring it.
I think that would have to be written into the purchase contract. Since most contracts simply have general addendum pages for these items it is unlikely that is the case. Any additions to contract or addendums must be initialed by both parties, so the buyers agent should know. MD state law says that a home inspection must be performed by a state licensed (nothing about private certification) Home Inspector to be valid for a Real Estate contract. Ohio is probably similar.
Sure the seller can try to require anything they want, but if it wasn’t agreed upon in writing it could very well be breach of contract.
And then you have this BS…
richmond american.pdf (251.9 KB)
Its just not EO any more…
Requiring your health insurance information can get them in deep doo-doo with a Hipaa violation.
Protected health information is no joke.
Ohio law requires 3 reference home inspectors to show no conflict of interest or no recommend inspections, and recommend getting a inspector of thier choice. Seller cannot tell buyer what inspector they want to use.
That if for the real estate agents not the owner of the home!
Sure they can, it is their home and they can allow whoever they want in it.
Cite where the homeowner can not do this.
Brian Hill
Professional Master Home Inspector
InterNACHI OH license 2019005340
Hill Home Inspection LLC
(330) 503-2888
It has to be in the contract.