Can someone explain "FREE" Thermal Imaging

Now we have IR experts describing cameras as flashlight and now even a better explanation calling them a Damn thing I can just say WOW no wonder the public is confused.

No doubt in my mind you can make money with a IR camera. That’s why this OP asked the question.

I am waiting for the phone to ring but it does ring and I am not starting out as the cheap guy who gives away testing services.

Inspection $350
Radon $150
Feasibility $200

That’s my story and I approve this message. As I get more experience I will be working 100% to be one of the best guys to call.

Its like ice cream, Hagan Daz 1 pint for $4.99, stuff in the big plastic tub 4 quarts for $3.99

Gimme the Hagan Daz because its a better value.

Be harsh if you wish, I am not emotionally invested in it. However, I have years and thousands of hours with a thermal in hand doing water damage restoration. I have a more than novice understanding of what I am doing with it and was using one well before it became chic to do so and to attend trainings. No one was really marketing training to the level it is now when I began. Just so you have a little perspective. The bottom line is, I understand my market better than any of you do. There is a reason why folks aren’t as bought into this on a home inspection as you would like them to be. It is indeed additional service and I offer it to gain customers. Which I surely do. We are off to an even better start than last year. How I package it doesn’t really matter. I am thoroughly confused as to why some of you care so much about how things are priced. It is almost like some harbor a justification complex about it. The bottom line is, you have to draw customers to perform the work. How you perform the work is the true end result. We certainly strive to do that better than anyone else. I don’t think personalizing pricing and putting others down is a real strength based approach. By the way, Vermonters don’t eat Hagen Das. Ben and Jerry’s only. Quality!

I don’t go to bed at night thinking about what you charge for your work makes me no never mind.

Its not about how many hours days or years you have been using a IR camera one can use it wrong for as many years as you can doing it properly. Based just on your statements above you could use some advice. Take it for what its worth I’m not trying to embarrass you or hassle you. You may think I don’t understand your market but what you don’t understand is I know people and people are basically the same all through out the US. Its not what you present to people it is how you present it as much as anything you do. How you package it does matter.
you can place a turd on a stick and if it smells no one wants it. Put a little sugar on it take the smell away and someone will buy it. Its how you present.

Sticking a few images in a report that have no meaning to any one is like a turd on a stick no one cares about it or wants it. Your images must have a importance that the general public can recognize such as a extremely hot breaker that draws attention to everyone.

I am to old to have a ego but I know what I know;-)

How old are you and what do you know?:mrgreen:

Well, you clearly don’t know people well enough to not make a snap judgement about people, what they do, how they do it and how it goes into their report based upon a paragraph. You are an IR apologist and that is clear and great. But it is a tool only. It doesn’t represent a whole/complete home inspection. I use it for what it is, how it is intended and with a level of knowledge and training. Will I drop hundreds to become whatever level I become? Not sure, not sold on the cost/benefit (and clearly, a majority of folks aren’t) but would not rule it out. When it stops looking like an opportunistic fad (all of the education being touted, marketed and sold), I will start to consider it a bit more. I don’t sell things by talking people into it. We aren’t selling cars here. We are providing quality home inspections. For the record, 20 years in mental health and education…I have an ever so slight idea about people too. You can say you are not trying to show anyone up…but you indeed were. A spade is indeed a spade. So, maybe check your communication approach a little bit as you offer your wealth of knowledge. People that are sincere and truly want to help don’t approach things with…well, it is clear you don’t know what you are doing. This is some of the stuff that the newer folks are getting from individuals like you. You don’t make anyone better by beating them down…just an attempt to make yourself feel better.

I also agree with Jim, as he makes an exceptional point with his flashlight analogy.

Charly and Jesus went to high school together.

Charly walks on damn near vertical roofs.

…and Charly knows his crap, both about what’ on the end of a stick and about IR, HVAC, and Electrical.

He can also show you how the cow ate the cabbage. :|.)

I did not make a snap judgement I have been reading your post for sometime. If you leave your ego at the door we can talk if not have a nice life:D

Now that is the pot calling the kettle black . lolololol

I read both your posts, although I try to avoid Michaels but he’s all over the damn place and were practically neighbors except for he’s what we call a Cheesehead.

Carpenters/ contractors are similar, you sit 5 down at a table and ask the best way to hang a door and you get the 5 best ways.

Its all good to me.

Hey Paul, are you not the same guy that promised to find those Keystone subsidies and post them?

Oh wait, you didn’t.

What a surprise.:roll:

That’s me and you know they exist.
The Keystone Pipeline gets tax breaks, are tax breaks not subsidies?

Don’t go getting me in trouble by hijacking this thread, were talking about IR right? Lets see your IR smarts, at least then I would get science and not rhetoric.

WE only have your word for it. don’t make me look up what you said.

Oh wait you didn’t do what you said you would.:roll::roll::roll: