Thermal Imaging Paying For Itself

My thermal imaging camera continues to pay for itself.
If you pan on doing this, I suggest you take the jump
and dive in.

I had a client search for someone to do thermal images
of his new home (moisture penetration problems). He
said he located me and only two others in the state of
Texas (Google search).

It was a long drive, but he was willing to pay $900 for
the inspection. We found ALL kinds of moisture penetration
problems in several areas of the house, that were not
visible to the naked eye. He was very impressed.

Several others have hired me because of the thermal
imaging service that now comes with every home inspection.
My starting price is $450. (many home inspectors in this
area charge less than $180-$200).

The PE 15% discount on the FLIR cameras ends on June 4th.
Hey… it’s the best deal in town.

BTW… I got the Thermal Imaging power point training CD from
Will Decker (at no charge). Will has really put together a nice
CD. Thanks Will… great job and glad to call you a friend.

I plan on attending the FLIR building science course in Denver
on June 19-22. Anyone else going? I am going to drop by
and see Nick while I am there.

John, how are you marketing your service and have you found other inspects to use the camera for?

Good job John


If anyone wants a copy of the Power Point presentation I taught at Toronto, please send me a self addressed, stamped envolope and a blank CD (-R format). If you don’t have a CD, send $1.00.

Wendy, please note: The Dollar is to pay for me providing a CD :mrgreen: If you send your own CD, it is FREE.

The Power Point covers the basics of what you have to know to start playing around (effectively) with a camera and how to get started, as well as the marketing tips I use.

In a month or two, I will be sending the presentation to Nick for posting at .

Also, I highly recommend that you get formal training and some sort of certification for the camera. Level 1 certification is best (nationally recognized and you are much less likely to get sued) but the Building Science cert is also good.

I am also available (please call after 7:00 PM CDT) at my office number, below.

Again, this is FREE to NACHI members.

Hope this helps;

I think it’ll be on /presentations before I can get a FLIR camera :shock:

Thanks Will…

I just received my BCAM 4:30 p.m. yesterday! Totally unbelievable!

The weather was cool here last night and I had no temperature difference in my house to speak of and I found all kinds of stuff!

I saw a great big square above my attic storage door, went inside and found a piece of missing insulation.
I can now quickly and accurately test if the electric hot water heater is functioning with both elements properly.
I can even find my dog sleeping in the bushes in the dark! :slight_smile:

I did find two false anomalies right off the bat!

A metal threshold on the door into my attic space reflected my body heat making it look like hot air infiltration, but there was no hot air in the attic at the time.

I found a cool spot on an exterior wall after sundown which turned out to be radiational cooling from an adjacent window that was slightly open at the top.

This is an unbelievable tool, but you have to know what you’re looking at! My extensive background in thermodynamics is a great asset in visualizing what the camera is looking at. It’s also extremely important to understand what you should expect to see inside a finished wall or ceiling. Under the right conditions I could see the entire framing system of my cathedral ceiling as if the sheet rock and roof had been removed! I built this house so I know what’s in there.

As many have said, training is essential. Also many have said that this tool can be a liability, which is true. However, it is written all over the operation/training manual that you must not rely on one source of testing. This is crucial to know what is the difference between air infiltration, lack of insulation and water intrusion!

There is actually very little input on this site about thermography. I have gotten a few e-mails on people researching the subject. I think we could use a separate section on this subject where we can all share our investigative experiences and photographic results. Nick might even be able to get somebody from FLIR or other vendor to hang out there!

Would like to see what Will Decker has compiled. He seems to be the IR guru around here? :slight_smile:

Let’s get that building science course information posted here.

There you are Will, You slipped in there wile I was typing! Is this really free? I think $1 is a bit much seeing as I can by disks for less! :-0 LOL

Can’t seem to “help out” anyone these days without a disclaimer can you!?!

David, congrats on 1,000 posts. I have contacted PE about the discount but have heard nothing from them. John, who did you talk to?

I have had mine a couple of weeks and still getting use to it. I will be sending Will an envelope very shortly.

I posted the words “thermal imaging” on my ads that run on
several locations. You can see my web site to find the
new info on thermal imaging there.

My ads run on:

google pay per click
(I have not updated yahoo pay per click yet)
My forum signature (google picks it up) profile (front page google stuff here)
and more…

As to other comments… this is my response:

The thermal images must be checked with moisture meters
or other forms of verifications to ensure you report correct

I find so many surprises with this thermal camera, it makes
me shudder with fear when I think about all the stuff I
must have missed while doing home inspections for 9 years
without it…!!!

Yes, it can be said that thermal imaging could open us to
more liability. But I think finding all those latent defects
and unseen moisture problems reduces my liability more…IMHO.

Regarding the FLIR training (actually it is called the ITC…
Infrared Training Center and FLIR uses them because they
are a very well known and respected education provider)

Here is the building science course info for June 19-22:
(the only change on this page is that they moved the location to the
Residence Inn Hotel at Highlands Ranch, CO - which makes it nicer for
those staying there… no travel back and forth)

You can register on-line at:

After long debate within myself… I choose the building
science course over the Level 1 course because the BS course
deals exhaustively with real world application for using
thermal imaging as a home inspectors. I have heard that
some Level 111 thermographers that will go back and take
the BS course because there are so many tricks to the trade
that have to be learned when applying thermal imaging to
the real world of structural and mechanical systems.

Hey… if your going to Colorado for the BS course, let
me know and I will look for you there. Perhaps we can go
see Nick over at NACHI HQ together.

I recieved contact from PE from:
Barb x2557
Professional Equipment

The sqeeky wheel gets the oil… go after it!!!


I am going to Denver also was looking at Aug after school starts and the inspections slow down a bit.

Thought Level one was the way to go but may re-consider BS as my back ground is heavy in industrial and commercial. Congrats on taking the plunge wished I had started sooner.

Good Idea David A. Lets all learn this together

thanks, bill. sorry i missed your presentation but i was at the radon classes. i’ll be sending you my sase & $ for the cd.

thanks, again!

I didn’t see the camera you just purchased in the list.
Am I mising something?

I think I will do the Boston thing, I have free lodging accommodations with an excellent chef and need to catch up with some old friends. Make a vacation out of it. Also, I can fly for just about nothing on SWA from Nashville to Manchester. Two little back home airports! Billerica, Massachusetts is just a couple miles from the Hampshire border.

I am electing the building science course over level 1 also. There is a lot to say for actual hands-on that is applicable for your intended use.

After I completed my college degree in HVAC, I went back and attended a trade school continuing education course for adults. There is absolutely no comparison between the algebraic equations used by your college professors and the experience contributed by teachers that have been in the field (and are generally ready to retire). These folks have forgotten more than most people will learn and it is an invaluable resource to tap into. Reading the brochure on the building science course, it appears that’s what you’re going to get.

However, the building science course is not offered as often so get on board as soon as possible.

Also, be sure to note that these courses require you to provide your own camera!

I didn’t realize I reach a thousand Ben!
How’s everything going with you over there and the other side of the Tennessee River?

Have you found anything unexpected with your camera?

FLIR recommends the use of comparison photographs in evaluating the building envelope. It would be good to post some unique finds here that can be used in comparison to help better understand what we’re looking at.

We must remember that we are going to find a lot of anomalies with this equipment, but we still are conducting a nonintrusive inspection which can never be definitive without intrusive inspection. I have done extensive work with my geologist associate using ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic sensors which produces similar graphs to infrared thermography. This equipment provides you with a place to start looking but you still have to dig to verify and quantify!

The camera is quite easy to use, but you have to play with the results to get the best image.

FLIR has some downloadable programs on the net that I came across the other day. I will dig them back up again. The quick report program they provide allows you to manipulate your photographs outside of the camera and helps improve upon what you are trying to report. It’s a good idea to evaluate the abilities of the programs to save time during your field survey.

A link to software:

You are correct.

You have to fill-in the blank marked “other” in order
to show that you are using a FLIR BCAM camera.

John are you using the b-cam or the b-2 cam?

I am using the B-CAM (I wanted to save money).

Below is a sample photo. Moisture was found above the
fireplace. There was NO VISIBLE signs of this to the naked
eye. I found numerous moisture problems in this 1 yr old house.


Thanks John, I’m looking at the b-cam and did not know if the difference in resolution and interchangeable lenses was worth the extra. I’m just getting started and I didn’t think so.

I have not used the B-CAM 2… so I do not pretend to know
the difference. I heard some tell me that the image quality
is slightly better when looking at the B-CAM 2… side by side
with the B-CAM.

You can save 1000 images vs only 50 with the B-CAM… but
I figure that 50 thermal images is enough for my needs.

Will has been using the BCAM and he seems to be happy…
even though he is lusting after the glitter of the other toys…
(sorry Will, I had to take a cheap shot there).

Thanks John, I appreciate your help, I think I will take advantage of the discount. I can also attend the school in Billerica Ma. less than an hour drive for me.