This home was completly remodeled. They claim that these windows are egress because they are above ground…

This home was completly remodeled. They claim that these windows are egress because they are above ground…
The upper ones look like they may be, those lower ones look too small.
24h x 20w opening. You have to measure it, hard to guess from a picture.
Not exactly accurate to state that dimension without specifying the net clear opening. 24x20 is only about 3.5 sq ft.
The minimum 24 inches of net clear height opening would require the other dimension (width) to be a minimum of around 34.2" to equal 5.7 sq ft without the exception.
The Minimum 20 inches of net clear width opening would require the other dimension (height) to be a minimum of around 41" to equal 5.7 sq ft without the exception.
Who is they?
Here is what the IRC states as the location requirements for egress windows:
Basements, habitable attics and every sleeping room shall have not less than one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. Where basements contain one or more sleeping rooms, an emergency escape and rescue opening shall be required in each sleeping room. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall open directly into a public way, or to a yard or court that opens to a public way.
As inspectors we don’t cite code and I’m one of the biggest drum beaters to that point… However, reasonable egress in modern houses is one of the more basic things in our education and training. Did this really never come up in your training and education?
Right. Either way, they need to be measured.
Most Egress windows are huge.
That’s because only half (removable half) satisfies the egress dimension. They now make egress windows that pull entirely from the frame.
Check that sill height too. Looks higher than 44."
R310.6 is the code of interest where an existing basement is remodeled. Sellers and agents often argue EERO is un-needed in these situations because it wasn’t required when the home was built. This is true until a sleeping room is constructed in the remodeled basement.
R310.6 Alterations or repairs of existing basements. An
emergency escape and rescue opening is not required where
existing basements undergo alterations or repairs.
Exception: New sleeping rooms created in an existing
basement shall be provided with emergency escape and
rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1.
Replacement windows in upper story bedrooms of older homes do not have to be egress windows as long as the replacement fits the existing framing without modification.
This is an area where I disagree with code. Any reasonably intelligent teenager or adult, and certainly any rescue person, would be inclined to simply bust the window open if more room was needed for emergency egress. If a younger child is trapped, they are likely to be small in stature. I am more critical about the height of the sill (< 44"), as well as hard to reach sash locks. I happen to live in an area where the Carr fire occurred a few years ago. Several deaths were attributed to the sill heights being too high and the local building inspectors now have it high on their list, as well as myself.
I have concerns with this. Is there a beam under there? If so, here in a GA on a new deck the beam cantilever cannot be more that 1/4 the width and beam depth must be > = to joist depth.
Okay, I love it when someone questions the education of another inspector. I hope it makes you feel superior to others. I was asked to give an inspection quote on the home. They said it was completely remodeled from top to bottom. I asked them about the basement bedroom windows and the people that remodeled it claims they are egress windows. I was not there to measure them but just from looking at the photos a large adult is not going out that window. And a youngster would need a ladder to get up to it.
The problem I see with the OP’s photo is the grade level windows are double hung (two sashs). Unless there is a way to remove them from the inside in one piece there is not enough area of one sash to meet the requirements. Messing around with tilt in (for cleaning) windows won’t be acceptable for EERO windows.
Yep, a casement might do it. I often recommend that on older homes with small windows in the bedrooms.
Wow man… sorry, didn’t mean any offense. It’s a serious question. Did this really not come up? I just remember getting clubbed over the head with it.
Looks small in the photo.
But when in doubt, measure. Some times your eyeballs will deceive you.