Does this look like it could bee (pun intended) a carpenter bee hole / nest? The goo on the window makes me wonder. Never did see the little bugger but I am thinking it might be a nest. Anyone with any WDI experience out there?
The man with a Bee logo is asking…lol
Pays to bee sure though…looks like frass.
I knew I wouldn’t escape that one Bob…really though would you not think carpenter bees?
And WTH is “frass”?
You may have missed my first find of carpenter ants a few months back.
Been seeing evidence lots this summer for some reason.
Look up frass on google as it is the poop they leave which looks like sawdust.
If I was you I would report the possibility of WDI and recommend a exterminator.
Next time pay extra close attention to the structure to make sure it is not damaged from them especially at sole plate areas and under batting .etc just above the foundation wall. and you are good to go.
Go back if you take high res pics(another reason I take so many) and look for more frass at those areas.
P.S you can often find the insect parts in the poop.
Carpenter Bee (Staining)
While it may be inactive, (lack of tunneling , frass, etc…) you should report
Learn something new everyday. Great link Bob. Thanks Joe.
I think he might be pulling you BEE leg Bob. I can’t see how he can have a website with BEE in it and not know what “frass” is.
We are all here to learn…
no worries… it is all good…
Well you have one with CMI and …:)lol;-):twisted:
The stain on the window is not Frass
( and indicative of past and/or present activity)
the sawdust below the visible hole is evidence…
if you are attempting to determine activity…
I made sure to go back a couple days latter as the client got right on it.
With the ant version he said they might have a trail 1/2 mile from the queens nest but found it in a tree right away.
Still not sure how he did it as there were trees all over.Must be a trick to the clues.
Was going to spray twice in the next year and even looked over the foundation for me again to say they were not really active and not much damage which surprised me due to the amount of frass.
Felt glad to have called it out and came here during my report like you.
Defiantly taught me to pay more attention for WDI.
This is too good not to post…
For Ant activity, that is true…
To properly treat,
you need to follow the trail and treat the source…
It could be a service drop from a utility pole and eventaully end up in a neighboring property.
It could be a Bush or Tree Limb in proximity and in contact with the structure…
Ants are a difficult treatment…
He seemed to feel he had it under complete control and this was a heavy vegetation property almost an acre large (lots of land for this locale)
LOL…no comment.
For an Ant Treatment Contract, the cost would have to be adjusted exponentially…
Multiple trips… Time… Travel… Re-Inspects… Re-Treats…
That needs to be factored as the condition is already known…
From a Business Sense… True…
“Sometimes the best contract presented, is the one not awarded.”
He agrees with you as he was actually coming back a couple times over the next year.
I believe the seller had already agreed to pay for it.
This is the definition of Frass. Worst case I have ever seen of wdi invasion. Notice the angle of the sill plate. The best part is the Realtor tells me she doesn’t understand because the house was inspected by another inspector who didn’t find any structural issues. I guess some guys don’t crawl or don’t want to blow a deal.
Never noticed what the writing was under the BEE SURE so I want to apologize for the comment about “FRASS” Sorry I thought you were a BEE removal or Identification Inspector and just trying to pick our brains a little. LOL
You need to increase the size of writing on your logo and even change the color so it stands out.