Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have one called “Start Your Own Home Inspection Business” published by Entrepreneur Magazine, written by Claire Ginther in 2003, ISBN 1-932156-01-1. It was $12.95 and is not likely what you are looking for but thought I’d let you know.
Originally Posted By: gwells This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I sell both "The Illustrated Home" and "Building Your Home Inspection Business" (as well as all other Carson Dunlop books, CD's, video's, online training, etc). They are expensive but I have special pricing available exclusively for NACHI members.
Most of the Carson Dunlop products are not listed in the NACHI store at BestInspectors.Net but I can give you pricing on any Carson Dunlop product. If there is enough interest by NACHI members in any Carson Dunlop products, I can add them to the NACHI Store at BestInpectors.Net.
You'll find the complete list of Carson Dunlop materials on the BestInspectors.Biz web site. But, don't buy from that site. Those are the retail prices. Call me or send an e-mail and I can give you NACHI member prices for anything that is listed on BestInspectors.Biz.
I am a high volume seller and I have some very special deals for NACHI members so I can generally offer some of the best prices you'll find anywhere for Carson Dunlop materials.