Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Under instructions from Joe Farsetta, NACHI’s Code of Ethics have been changed today. The phrase “NACHI inspector” has been replaced with “NACHI member” throughout.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In a relating matter, NAHI the sleezy copycat organization that lowered it’s COE to permit its members to bribe REALTORs and to permit its members to sell repair services and correct the defects they find during an inspection… went one step further today. They now permit their members to pilfer up to $300 worth of valuables from the seller’s home during an inspection.
Originally Posted By: wpedley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but how the h#%^ does the COE apply to members that are not actually doing inspections? Seems to me that if you read it and understand it ,most if not all of it deals with what and how you should conduct yourself IF you are a “member” that inspects homes. Futhermore ,why would anyone want to join the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors if you’re NOT an inspector? I don’t get it.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Gee. And the local NAHI guy who we met at the IAR convention kept saying that they didn’t allow inspectors to repair defects, while NACHI and ASHI did. Claimed their ethic were better.
They really paled when we told them of our plans for free (or very reduced price) CE in Illinois. They just kind of saw their gravy train pulling out of the station.
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
wpedley wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but how the h#%^ does the COE apply to members that are not actually doing inspections? Seems to me that if you read it and understand it ,most if not all of it deals with what and how you should conduct yourself IF you are a "member" that inspects homes. Futhermore ,why would anyone want to join the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors if you're NOT an inspector? I don't get it. ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif)
We have many affiliate members that include; electricians, plumbing contractors, general contractors, inspection equipment stores and suppliers, inspection software companies, inspection schools and teachers, etc. I would imagine that by joining they see a benefit in being able to reach 7000 home inspectors.
We would certainly need to bind them to the portion of the COE that applies to them, mostly 3.2 and 3.3, but other areas may apply also in their conduct of business within the profession.
Originally Posted By: jwortham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In a relating matter, NAHI the sleezy copycat organization that lowered it's COE to permit its members to bribe REALTORs and to permit its members to sell repair services and correct the defects they find during an inspection... went one step further today. They now permit their members to pilfer up to $300 worth of valuables from the seller's home during an inspection.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
" published by Dearborne Publishing:
"Both ASHI and NACHI codes require that their members wait at least one year following an inspection to make repair services available to the client. The feeling is that after a year has lapsed, the buyer has had plenty of time to decide what to do about an issue-the back porch, for instance-and to contact another companny if he or she had wanted to do something quickly.
NAHI takes a less prohibitive stance. Its code suggests that the inspector may sell additional products and services, if needed, to the client at the time of the inspection...(In some states, inspectors are prohibited from doing any additionsl fee-based work for a client. Be sure to check your state laws.)"
"Check your state laws" ??????? Isn't that what NAHI is supposed to be doing? The book should have just said that "If you see a NAHI logo...run. NAHI inspectors are probably doing something illegal. Run to an ASHI or NACHI inspector."
And from an 8 year veteran of NAHI sent to me 2 weeks ago:
The following is an email sent to you by rpruner via your account on the NACHI message board. If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address:
Include this full email (particularly the headers). Please note that the reply address to this email has been set to that of rpruner.
Message sent to you follows
Hi Nick:
Last year I quit NAHI. They decided it was O.K. for inspectors to work on homes and do repairs to correct defects that they found during the inspection.
Several inspector including myself, said it's members should have a say as to whether it is O.K. or not. About 90% said they disaprove of this recommendation. NAHI responded with "it was the Board's say and they will not change their minds". So, after 8 years of being a NAHI MEMBER, I QUIT. It is my understanding many others have quit since and are interested in NACHI.
... They charge for everything, as well as screw you on shipping etc. They have nothing new or interesting to ever present, and the same old ideas!
Same old management style of NAHI, just focus on promoting the ....
Please keep up your ideas and marketing up ahead of the industry and the help you give inspectors, I see most of the good inspectors are going to NACHI soon.
Keep up the good work
Rolland Pruner
Pro-Imaging inspections"
And from Civil Justice's publicly filed complaint under the Consumer Fraud Act:
You can dowload the actual complaint from that link.
A book by the industry's biggest publisher, an 8 year veteran of NAHI, and Civil Justice... that says it all.
Anyway... we're working hard to make sure REALTORs never refer NAHI inspectors and homebuyers never hire NAHI inspectors... and with our marketing power... we're succeeding at slaying this dragon. NAHI's big 3 day conference in Denver a couple weeks ago had only a few inspectors attend. NAHI had to give all the exhibitors their booth fees back. NAHI is dead... thank goodness.
Originally Posted By: rwand1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In a relating matter, NAHI the sleezy copycat organization that lowered it's COE to permit its members to bribe REALTORs and to permit its members to sell repair services and correct the defects they find during an inspection... went one step further today. They now permit their members to pilfer up to $300 worth of valuables from the seller's home during an inspection. icon_lol.gif
Good move on using the word "member" as opposed to inspector.
As to NAHI and their lack of scruples.... what goes around comes around. Obviously all home inspection associations are not created equally.
Thanks, and keeep up the good work!
Kindest regards,
-- Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (OAHI)