Originally Posted By: dcarroll This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There are many things wrong with this picture, but my question is with the chimney. It’s in a 100+ year old home. It was built like this to not interfer with the rafter. In my report I recommended it be evaluated. Am I overly concerned about this?
Originally Posted By: Peter Foxe Smothers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Wow, its hard to see the picture. When I blew it up it almost looks like all the bricks have deteriorated away. Do you have any bigger pictures that are easier to see?
Originally Posted By: dcarroll This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It is a good example of corbelling. I was worried that it may have been moved over too far, but it’s been up there for a hundred years. That must make it somewhat stable. Thanks for the input.
Originally Posted By: dcarroll This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The leak is very active, and it looks like it isn’t the first time there has been trouble in that spot. The white flex on the left side goes to the second floor bathroom ventilating fan. It terminates near one of the vents.