Originally Posted By: Bennett Jackson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello NACHI,
Can anyone give any information on the training course in Oklahoma or any in Kansas (I'm an Oklahoma native living in southern Kansas)? I have a genuine interest in becoming a HI. I have enjoyed reading the topics in the Message Board. Such a wealth of information and I like reading everyone's honest opinions. I have a little experience under my belt, but not much. I built my own house: dug footings by hand, did all concrete work, framing, electric, HVAC, plumbing, etc. Several friends have asked me to "take a look" at various homes that they were thinking of buying. So I did. Of course this was not a pro inspection. But, I enjoyed it. And with those thoughts I decided to start investigating the profession. In doing so, I came across NACHI (it is all over the web) and took the on-line exam, I passed on my first try, but by no means does this give me the right to start inspecting homes. I have not joined yet, but I wish to do so in the near future. I am still trying to figure out the "best" way to get started in the field. I have the people skills, some background in construction, and now, I need a lot of training and a lot more experience and advise from the pros.
Thank you all, in advance, for your time and replies,
Originally Posted By: rking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Try a search on this MB for "education" or "training" and see what you find. I have read a lot of posts regarding different courses in different areas by different inspectors.
Good luck, and welcome to NACHI.
-- Muskoka Home Inspections
"Wisdom is the Anticipation of the Consequences"
Steering Committee Member At Large
Originally Posted By: Bennett Jackson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thank you. I will do so.
Other than on the job and life experience training, did you take any "formal" training?
As you can see from my listing, I have not joined NACHI yet. I have passed the exam, and plan to get my funds in order to become a member soon. I felt good reading that only 49% (approx.) pass. But by no means am I an expert by passing the test. I want to get good training, in classes and through ride-alongs, and by doing mock inspections for my friends and family before I begin to provide home inspections professionally. I want to represent NACHI & the HI profession in a true, professional, and confident way.
Do you think this mode of thinking is a good way to start?
Originally Posted By: rking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you maintain your current attitude toward the industry you will benefit one and all when you have the training and confidence to go out on your own and start doing fee paid inspections.
I did my training through Carson, Dunlop & Associates, an engineering firm out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The company has a very long track record of inspection and engineering and the co-founders of the company had a hand in starting ASHI, OAHI, CAHPI, and they have both written numerous articles and books pertaining to the home inspection industry.
I did a lot of research before I took that particular course, as I suggest you do as well, and I am quite happy with what I received from the course and the ongoing technical support I get from their knowledgable staff. I use their Home Reference Book as a reporting system and my clients and the real estate agents love it (it is a 400 page encylopedia of the systems and components of a house).
You can check them out at www.carsondunlop.com.
If any inspector in your area will let you tag along on a few inspections, do it. The experience is wonderful and necessary.
-- Muskoka Home Inspections
"Wisdom is the Anticipation of the Consequences"
Steering Committee Member At Large
Originally Posted By: psabados This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you're interested MOKAN Chapter's next meeting is scheduled for Jan 10, 2004 in Liberty, Mo. Just north of KC.
Watch the billboard for further details. We welcome all members and non-members to attend. This would give you a good opportunity to get the feel of what we do and pick the brains of others.
You can contact Dave Bush, Chapter Pres. he's located in Joplin, MO or myself if you'd like. There are some area training programs available to you.
Originally Posted By: Bennett Jackson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Robert & Paul,
Thank you, gentlemen, for the replies & advise.
It is very encouraging for those of us "newbies"/beginners to have such support from future colleagues that are in the field. I have only been on the NACHI MB for a few days now, and I already feel the teamwork and support.
Thank you for the invite. I would like to attend. I will watch the billboard for more info. If you or Mr. Bush would be willing to send any info. my way, the gesture would be welcome.
Attending an area training program would be easier for me. No offense, Robert, but Canada (though beautiful) is just a little far. However, I will be looking at CarsonDunlop.com. I have seen several positive comments about them on the message board.
Originally Posted By: Bennett Jackson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mr. Crofutt,
Thank you for the link. I just went to their web site and requested information on the 2004 courses. Attending their school would definitely be a possibility for me, it's not very far from where I am.
Were you happy with the training? And, how is their support to graduates of the course (if you have needed it)?
Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It’s only a three hour drive from you.
Call Juanita and set up an appointment to speak to Tom Lauhon. Go visit. It'll be worth it.
I was very happy with the training. Remember that when I went the price seemed kind of high, compared to others, until I found that meals and lodging were included in the price.
The support, what little I needed (Most of my support is off the internet forums), was great.
You'd enjoy it and learn one hell of a lot. Classes were from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Don't go if you don't want to work hard at learning.
Originally Posted By: Bennett Jackson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey, Thanks for the contacts at the Institute. Sounds like you guys had a good time. Long class days don’t bother me any. Had the same kind of days back in college, nothing like trying to carry 22 hrs. in a semester. If the price is worth it, then it is worth paying.
Originally Posted By: Marie Guerrieri This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi All!
I agree that learning a new trade can be difficult, but I hardly think discouraging others is the right thing to do. Any new job experience you have involves learning the ropes. I don’t believe there’s one HI out there…no matter how much training or background knewledge they have…can say they don’t make mistakes or that there’s nothing more they can learn from others. Any field you go into requires growth of knowledge and you can only do that through experience. If your careful, take your time, listen to wisdom of other HIs, and study any information you can get your hands on, you’re gonna do fine. Learning to be a good HI is not impossible! All you new comers, study hard, learn your stuff and focus on being the best inspector in your area! That’s all have to say…
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We have a great 2-day course on HVAC (which includes a little of every trade) at http://www.nachi.org/spokane3.htm It is in Spokane Washington but its very inexpensive… free.
All you have to do is buy your plane ticket and motel room...about $500. NACHI is paying your full tuition.
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Something tells me that there will be a lot more about Heating in that course than Air Conditioning. Let’s see, 3500 miles for furnace educ…nah.
When do we get an ACVH course here in FL?