CMI sew on emblems

Mr. Gromicko has recently ordered CMI sew on emblems.

These emblems will be available in the very near future

I guess we will have to make an inquiry as to why I am shown as not being a member

I doubt it… but could it have something to do with this in your tag line?

**Moderator, The Inspectors Journal:shock: **

Just kidding, Russ

You may be correct Joe. However, more importantly was the message I was trying to get out.

My log in and password codes have been messed up for some time. I hope they are now corrected again.

I believe Lisa is ready to order the emblems …(3" gold), unless their are objections.


I love 24K sold gold emblems… no problem here. :slight_smile:
3" round should make about a pound… nice.

Send me three.