George Wells and Bill Merrell are putting together a 21 hour seminar for those who are considering expanding their inspections to include Commercial and Industrial Inspecting.
No, this will not make you an engineer, however this seminar will offer those in the business the opportunity to explore Commercial Inspecting.
We are planning the course for this fall and we will significantly discount the course for NACHI members. The course will be approved for NACHI CE credit, however NYS will not approved, for ce credit a commercial based inspection course for Home Inspectors, since NYS Licensing law only deals with 1-4 family residential homes.
If you want call us with your name and address, we will mail you a complete description of the program over the next several weeks. Call us at 631-563-7720, and we will contact you when the date is confirmed.
We will focus on ASTM guidelines in conjunction with this 3 day seminar.
Plan on taking a great deal of notes and having a lot of questions for us!
See you at the Event. George Wells, Joe Farsetta and Bill Merrell will be the presenters for this event in New York State!
Want to call us and be put on the pre-registration list, call us at 631-563-7720. Once we determine the exact date, e will contct you. In addition, those who call us in advance to be placed on the pre-registration list will be offered a discount coupon as a NACHI member.
See you this fall. We also have a host of Home Inspection CE classes available and we are hosting an Educational Convention on June 28, 29, 30th, 2007 in Long Island. These classes are NYS approved for Home Inspection CE credit.
We have had approx 23 people contact us about the course. If you are interested in the course, call us with your name, address and phone # and when it is confirmed we will contact you. No obligations and no fee until you actually regster. We are going to carve out a price which will make NACHI members happy.