i just inspected a manufactured home that had concrete tiles for a roof cover. There are cracks in the ceiling along the center. one very bad crack. there are cracks along the wall. and alon the cracked wall the windows don’t open. is the concrete tile too heavy for the roof structure? there is no access to view the roof structure. In my report I am calling for a roof contractor to examine and give the ok but I thought I’d ask the group.
Pictures would help Larry…
Need more info, of course.
What year is the home? Is the roof original or a replacement?
Is this a “manufactured” home, or something else?
Any pictures of the exterior?
I’ve never seen concrete tile on such a home, it would likely crush itself from the weight.
The manufactured home is designed for a single layer of comp shingles. No way a tile roof is anything close to correct. Plus you have a performance problem with the cracking. I’d for sure identify the cracks and recommend further evaluation to determine the weight of the roof and what the home is capable of carrying.
Probably, Most manufactured (mobile homes) homes have trusses made of 2x2’s. But cracks in mobile homes, double wides can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes cracks develop during moving or at the marriage line or poor ceiling patching when they first set the sections.