Thank you for the clarification of the rule of 6. When I was taught it was 6 hand motions. Not 6 breakers. (perhaps my instructor was not properly qualified) Next Thursday our NJNACHI CE class is on electrical and I will bring this question up. But personally It is not something that I would wright up.
You’re welcome. Just for reference here’s the applicable NEC section.
230.71(B) Single-Pole Units. Two or three single-pole switches or breakers, capable of individual operation, shall be permitted on multiwire circuits, one pole for each ungrounded conductor, as one multipole disconnect, provided they are equipped with identified handle ties or a master handle to disconnect all conductors of the service with no more than six operations of the hand.
The problem with the type of situation described in this thread is the lack of identification for many external main disconnects. No markings to identify the unit number. Same problem occurs with AC condensers. Which one goes with which unit?