Dear NACHI members:
I recently had a three sided townhouse on a concrete slab refinished with synthetic stucco and have several questions that I am looking for answers to.
I have received answers from different sources that are very conflicting and pertaining mostly to homes in the east or southeast.
*I know that all of the homes in the Albuquerque NM area that I have seen have the stucco finished at or below grade level. *
1. How far below grade level should the stucco be applied in order to prevent moisture from entering the walls? Or is this a concern?
2. If the old stucco was water damaged from the water draining off of a flat roof to the point that it looked like chicken wire cracks, should the old cracked stucco have been completely removed prior to any type of cement patch?
3. Where small but long cracks were repaired by placing a cement patch over them they stand out and are very obvious to the eye?
4. Should the stucco pretty much maintain the same color on all walls?
5. Should the stucco be applied pretty even over the entire house rather than looking like it is 1/2 inch thick here and 1/32 inch there
and even missed in places?
6. How can I match a color chart to be certain that it is El Rey Stucco that was applied?
Any answers to the above questions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You;