COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors Course

This thread is exclusively for students taking InterNACHI’s free, online “COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Home Inspectors Course.”

Students may post questions here or join in the discussion directly related to the course topics.


I took the course great information


I found the course helpful. It enabled me to produce a short paper of practical guidelines for inspecting houses during this crisis that I can post on our website and/or give to realtors.


It was straight to the point. Good information.

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Thank you, Randy. If you have any time, please share your thoughts with others on InterNACHI | Boulder CO or other social media channels.

Let others know about the course is free, online, and open to everyone (not just InterNACHI® members). Thank you so much. Stay safe and healthy. You may be interested in reading our recent article, “Home Inspectors Are About to Enjoy Increased Demand for Inspections.”

Thank you, Jim. If you have any time, please share your thoughts with others on InterNACHI | Boulder CO.

Let others know about the course is free, online, and open to everyone (not just InterNACHI® members). Thank you so much. Stay safe and healthy. You may be interested in reading our recent article, “Home Inspectors Are About to Enjoy Increased Demand for Inspections.”

Thanks, Philip. If you have any time, please share your thoughts with others on InterNACHI | Boulder CO or other social media channels.

Let others know about the course is free, online, and open to everyone (not just InterNACHI® members). Thank you so much. Stay safe and healthy. You may be interested in reading our recent article, “Home Inspectors Are About to Enjoy Increased Demand for Inspections.”

Hi Ben-
Thanks for the work you put into this. The links in the course are especially helpful.
I wanted to be more clear about the comment i made during the webinar about hand towels.

Many years ago, when my kid was in preschool, the school’s teachers taught us that putting out one hand towel for each person in a family was a great way to prevent transmission of viruses (cold, flu, whatever).

Rather than wasting a bundle of money on paper towels–or using up scarce paper towels–just put out one hand towel for each person wherever they wash their hands. It is important to make sure that the towels are on separate hooks or in separate places. It won’t work if they touch or bunch up on one another!

Anybody who has kids or works with them knows how fast a cold can run through a classroom and then infect an entire family. We found the separate towels to be remarkably effective. I wanted to share it because, while disposable paper towels are safest, not everyone has enough to use them for every single handwashing episode. Especially now that we are all washing so much more often!

In my house now, even though there are only two of us, we have separate hand towels. I am also replacing/washing kitchen towels and other such items daily.

Good luck to everyone on reducing transmission!

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This course is exactly what is needed for home inspectors to ensure their clients and realtors that we are taking this present health situation very seriously. By taking this course, our actions speak louder than words. I recently had a few clients and realtors a bit nervous about the inspection. After I told them what my present inspection protocol consist of, they were both put at ease. This course is just another weapon to use in staying safe and healthy, not just for us the inspectors but also our families and our clients. Thank You InterNACHI!

Taking the course today. I believe this is a great opportunity to learn more about COVID and how it is affecting our business.

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Great course, Glad to see your being proactive here, I’m a one man show and will only inspect vacant homes.

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Starting COVID 19 Course

I took the test, also I have been practicing strict PPE and distance program at every inspection from the start.
I like not having anybody in the home during the inspection, especially not having “you know who” breathing down your back the whole time.

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Starting course!!! Thanks so much!!!

I took the course. Thanks for the information

Starting the course.

Starting this course!

Hello! I am starting the course.

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I have gone through the course it is a lot really formated information I am getting ready to take my state exam

You might wanna start with safety and S.O.P.