Cracks in floor joists.

Originally Posted By: rfunk
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Any ideas on cause or recommended course of action on these cracks in floor joists?

Originally Posted By: psabados
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Question Rocky

Are the vertical cracks visble on both sides of the joist. It looks like wood boring insect damage. Looking at the ring pattern of the wood both appear to have been at joint of a branch.

Are there other joists like this?


Originally Posted By: jmyers
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Just as humans tend to crack when they get older, so does wood. Not really much to be concerned about unless they penetrate to the other side of the joist. Even then it would take a substantially large crack ( I believe they use the 50% rule) to be of any structural concern.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Joe M is right on target.

Those cracks could have been caused by anything, including the drying process at the mill. Blame the framer for using them, though it is doubtful if there are serious concerns.

I also dispute the wd insect theory.

As to the crack being through the joist, again, I believe they are too small to be a real concern, as they are pretty far from the lower edge of the joist.

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: ltrower
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That is call Checking. I would think you could find a lot of old buildings up your way that were build around the turn of the century. The style of building was call Post and Beam construction. I used to have one that was 3 stories tall in Michigan. The building is 97 years old this year and still going strong. Both the post and beams had extensive checking. It not going to do anything.

Lee Trower