Originally Posted By: dhaislip This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is for the Texas HI’s. Are you removing the deadfront covers on energized electrical equipment in order to fulfill the requirements of the Texas SOP? If you are do you think this is a sound procedure? In my opinion removing those covers on energized equipment is placing your safety in jeopardy.
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
535.230 Inspection Guidelines for Electrical Systems.
(a)Service entrance panels. The inspector shall:
(5) inspect and report as in need of repair deficiencies in the type and condition of the wiring in the panels, in the compatibility of overcurrent protectors for the size of conductor etc…, etc…
An inspector should know how to remove the covers properly and safely. One should also use a voltage sniffer before touching anything that has the possibility of giving you a shocking experience.
The SOP also has a departure provision which states:
"An inspector shall exclude from the inspection any part, component or system which the inspector is not competent or qualified to inspect."
You may also exclude from the inspection any part, component or system that the client has agreed is not to be inspected.
If you are uncomfortable with removing the cover then DON'T. The same holds true for going on the roof. Just make sure the client is aware of the fact that you did not take off the dead fronts. Not informing the client may lead to some legal issues if a problem arises from something inside the panel that you didn't see.
Originally Posted By: Lew Lewis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was only being facetious. 
It definitely can be dangerous to take the cover off. For instance, this afternoon, I took a cover off only to find hundreds of dead cockroaches inside. I would think they are flammable. I should have recognized the droppings on the cover.
Originally Posted By: dhaislip This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I happen to be qualified to remove covers. I was first trained as an electrician in the military, served an indentured four year apprenticeship, have been licensed in the state of Wyoming, Washington D.C., various jurisdictions in Maryland Virginia and Texas and have designed and installed electrical systems subject to inspection in the above jurisdictions. Trust me I know the dangers of removing dead front panels on energized electrical equipment.
What bothers me is that apparently the state of Texas does not and has written their SOP to encourage HI's that may not know the hazards to put their safety in jeopardy.
Originally Posted By: pdacey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
After I posted my reply and read your post again, I realized. I guess I shouldn’t post when tired.
I agree. A lot of inspectors feel that TREC fell short in their SOP for requiring certain things but not giving any guidelines about the HOW to part.
One area that comes up quite often is the mandatory performance opinion on a foundation. They should at least have some kind of guidelines or criteria listed for evaluating the foundation. I see a lot of guys who don't know how to evaluate their findings get spooked by a few normal cracks and end up making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Originally Posted By: dhaislip This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Funny you should mention my next big gripe about the Texas SOP.
I've worked with structural engineers (PEs) for the past three years and trust me a written opinion, that means anything, on the performance of a foundation will cost just a little more than the cost for a home inspection.
There will be a lot of disclaimer wording in the comments section.
After all an opinion not backed up with data is just that. An opinion.