Originally Posted By: rpasquier
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Thank you, and yes, I am fairly new to this profession, but had not run across a drain like this before.
Had not studied this particular plumbing situation in my home inspection class, so wanted to ask before I made any kind of statement in my report about it.
Now that I have asked the question, and recieved an answer, I now have learned what I need to know when I see this again.
This house did not have a garbage disposal.
Thank you for your reply.
My apologies that this was so basic, but I am not a plumber, and again, it was never mentioned in my home inspection school.
Thank you for your answer, I am now a better home inspector because of it.
Oh, and please tell me that you aren't in sales of any sort, because your tactful response tells me that you are obviously not ready for it. tired or not.
Sorry, but such a general cutting down on such a question was way out of proportion to the question asked as far as I am concerned.
I needed help, so I asked for it, but with those kinds of responses, a lot of new inspectors will be unwilling to ask these questions.
I thought that this was NACHI, but you sound an awful lot like ASHI.
Maybe you joined the wrong organization? Or thought that you were posting on another board?
I joined this organization in order to get help from other inspectors about situations I had not seen before. There is no way that I can be an expert on everything. This particular configuration I had not run across before, and you cut me down like I am some kind of petulant, misbehaving child? This is not the reason that I joined this organization. I joined because I thought that I would get help, nonjudgemental help and advice when I needed it.
Perhaps I got the wrong idea? Or perhaps I have just gotten unlucky enough to run across an old timer with an attitude problem?
But, again, thank you for answering my question.