Disturbing ground below footers

Wish you guys all spent as much time on reports as correcting us HillBilly’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Had no idea you guys were Professional Engineers .

Darn no wonder my clients keep calling asking what a footer means and how it totally threw off the their soil and weight calculations when deciding what mix they were going to use while redesigning the “Footers”.

Answer the question, if you have any technical knowledge in this area. If not keep your comments to yourself, that would be the professional response.

This should help you:

“The supporting soil is called the “Cone of Compression” and radiates out at a 45 degree angle from the bottom edges of the foundation. If they interrupt the cone of compression they have compromised the ability of the soil to carry the weight of the structure above and the area compromised will need to be stabilized. The cure should be spec’d by a structural engineer.”

From dug out crawl space. - InterNACHI Inspection Forum http://www.nachi.org/forum/f23/dug-out-crawl-space-16892/#post201317#ixzz3BYeqHXS7

Come a long way.
Great work guys!