Does this look acceptable ( concrete tile roof )

I inspected this roof a few weeks ago and put this in my report. Its new construction so the client reached out to the contractor and the contractor is saying that its ok and underlayment is allowed to be exposed on a concrete tile roof. What do you guys think ?
underlayment photo

No, most underlayments have exposure limits to UV. Edit Every underlayment Product Approval or Manufacturer installation instruction I’ve read includes limits on exposure to sunlight/UV. Typically 30 days, sometimes 90 days, infrequently 180 days. We saw (and still see) a ton of roofs exposed for extended periods after Ian and the “supply chain” issues.


You’ll need to determine the exact install specs for the product that was used to accurately know it’s limitations.

I have seen contractors claim a broken tile still blocks UV (so it doesn’t need to be replaced). Things move down slope with vibrations and winds, and any under tile underlayment will not be rated for UV exposure. Stick to your guns and say it needs to be replaced.

If you want to lean on an authoritative source, use Tile Roofing Institute

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I agee exposed underlayment is not correct but it’s really hard to tell much from that picture. I feel like my nose is on the roof surface and I’m being asked for an overview.


Yup, one of the most common issues with posts on this MB!!
NOT ENOUGH INFO! Should always post minimum two photos… Close up and overview.