Does this look right to you? Not sure if there’s enough support under the header.
Looking at the words spray painted on the floor, it would appear the framer screwed up and what you see is a piss poor attempt to fix it. Total hack job IMO…
Without seeing other parts of the home to compare what their intention was we can only take a guess. However from the looks of it that appears to be a straight hall opening without intention of adding a door. They’ve run a pair of doubled 2 X 8 (2 X 10’s?? bad at judging size) across the top which are supporting the trusses above. It’s the 2 X 8’s that require the support and what you might be looking at is nothing more than nailers for the drywall at the top of the opening. Don’t know why they doubled the 2 X 6’s at the opening top unless it is just habit for them.
The braced 2 X 6’s on either side of the opening might be sufficient for the load but I would have expected to see a pair of Kings either side of the opening. That’s where it would be useful to see other similar openings to see what their intention was as well as the plans if they were available. Whether the braced single studs are acceptable or not I would voice by opinion on it and let the Builder display to the buyer what was intended.
One more thing to definitely mention. To Michael’s point at the upper left they definitely cut through the original top plate as seen by the hack job and cut into the 2 X 8’s. Look at the top plate to the upper, left of the opening. Look at the bottom plate member. What kind of horseshit is that a 6" piece of plate they are trying to nail to the larger piece to the left??
I agree. 10 characters
Without jack studs you end up with this minimum.
You would THINK if you had to hack up the switch cover you would recognize a problem!
well He came kinda close…I’d like to see that left side re-done with more support…
How do you post that with less than 10 letters?
yeah how did You post with less than 10 letters ???
and the body of the message seems unclear
Thank you all!
Yes, I would have expected to see jack studs as well, especially considering that right one is broken at the bottom.
Even though the cut top plate is a hack job, it still serves its purpose. The load still transfers down the stud.
Also, the bottom plate at the left needs another anchor at the right side, I only see one.