Draw Inspection

Looking for any sources for draw inspections.

Fill out your info so folks will know where you are at and maybe be able to help you. I like them :slight_smile: Easy money on the ones i have done but they called them phase inspections. DO NOT SIGN A NON-COMPETE CLAUSE if a company hires you to do one. Just my own simple advice.

I do 2 or 3 a week on average as a 203K consultant. $250.00 each.

This seems like a bit of a gray area if you aren’t ICC licensed. Would that be a correct assumption?

You would be wrong. A draw inspection is not a code compliance inspection.

I am an ICC member and do use the code book when I do plan review but I do not offer myself as a code inspector.


Good link Marcel.

I take about a 10 to 20 pictures for each draw and pay on installed parts of the job. A pile of steel studs is not the same as complete partition walls.

Each draw holds 10% back to be released at the end of the job.

All change orders are approved by me and broken down roughly into materials and labor. If I pay too little the contractor is unhappy, I pay too much and the banks position is compromised.

Fun work eh?

No, I do not believe you are correct. AL Phase inspections are real simple. The want pictures of the material the Contractor has bought and pictures of where they are in the project. They normally have a form. Just takes a few minutes if you walk the project with the boss and you just go down the check list showing what is asked.

I made $250 from a company as well and did it 2 or 3 times then they tried to spring a non-compete contract on me. I said I would gladly do it for any project that they provided me or I was working on from start to finish but that was not good enough for them. Thats ok with me because I will not feel any guilt when their customers approach me and I will evcen make more money cutting out the middleman. One of the things I plan on working to get more work on this year, PHASE OR DRAW INSPECTIONS. I LIKE them :slight_smile:

Thank you for the education gentlemen! i appreciate it.

Thanks I added my area, Southeastern Wisconsin

Great, it just makes it easier to get answers from your area :slight_smile:

I haven’t read all the posts however. There’s not enough money in it for me to do draw inspections

I did a draw inspection last week that paid $500. It was a 750,000 sq ft distribution center. Just rode around on an ATV with the project manager and got about 30 pics. 1 hour total on site and to upload the report. Easy money.


Yup, I’ll do all of them I can. Best part is I enjoy them and am treated like a professional not someone’s Do Boy Anyone have any ideas on how to get more of them. Advertising strategies or something?

I went on a few with the old guy I learned inspecting from, he wasn’t much of a marketer but he had been around for a long time and just seemed to get calls for them occasionally. (He passed away about a year ago btw or I’d talk to him more about it). He had one of the top inspection websites in the area and I believe he was found by lenders that way mostly.

I would also appreciate tips on how guys are more proactive in marketing or building relationships with people who need this service.

Thank you

Looks fun Linas. Happy birthday!

This year was good for draw inspections since some lenders loosened up on their requirements for rehab loans. I’ve done over $52,000 so far this year in draw inspections alone.


Do you have any tips or company contacts that we could use? Did any of them ask you to sign a non-compete contract?

Glad to hear you did so well with them this year. I really enjoy them and would love to increase the amount I do but have little to no information on where to start. I have always been contacted by them. Heck i would do all of those I could get and most importantly I ENJOY it :slight_smile:

This year I would like to try to do more of the stuff I enjoy and a whole hell of a lot less of the stuff I hate. Any info would be greatly appreciated from anyone who does them regularly.

I do pretty good on draw inspections. Sent an invoice out yesterday for $550.00 for a draw. $400 for the draw/ $150.00 for a change order.
Most pay me $250.00, change orders are always another fee.

Granite and Trinity have offered me work and the best I could get from Granite was $75.00
Trinity has guys that do draws for $25.00. I assume they are getting at least $150- $250 or more. Just a guess as I have no idea what they get though.