Inspecting a multi multi on dollar home built in 2000. We are finding white crystalized substance throughout bathrooms mostly. The further into the inspection we go we’re finding it in bedrooms and other interior spaces. Any ideas. Been inspecting for 10 Years and this is a first.
Paint not efflorescence.
not sure what it is, but it doesn’t look like paint
I wonder if it’s something that was used for insect/pest control?
To be specific, it is a hard, white substance. Crystal like. If this was closer to the pool or on a beach front condo I would venture say salt deposits. But we’re not near the coast today.
Looks to me like there’s a lot more going on in a 24-year old home than what we are privy to.
Multiple/heavy coats of paint? (Looks more like a 75-100 year old home than 24 y/o)!
Open gaps. Caulking.
Ice tubes for Canadian Termites??
Maybe wet rot fungus ?
An industrial hygienist referral out then.
That looks a bit like polyurethane foam/glue residue. Especially around around baseboard and quarter round trim, my guess is somebody glue it and that’s the excess that squeezed out.
I love it!
Any chance it’s the same consistency as Great Stuff?
That’s my WAG.
I concur Kevin, but there is more going on than meets the eye.
The home is 2000. When I look at the wall board and paint up close I would say much older and poorly cared for.
There are small blisters behind the paint on some images.
A foam type extrusions in the corners.
What might be a termite tube.
Was a moisture meter used?
Agree. I also think that the SWAGs of insect control is a high probability. My wife has Borax along the exterior edges in our basement…