Exclusive discount for InterNACHI members from Buildcheck

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Has anyone done a side by side with buildfax? I do 5-10 a month tops, mostly looking for roof.

Buildfax/Verisk gets most of it, misses a few in Lake County FL. This would reduce my costs a lot.

Check with @mgoldenberg

He may know, as he’s used one of them for years.

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I sent him a PM thanks to you.

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I use buildfax too, and have the older plan, (I think its 250 reports a month for $48), and only use about 30-40…
I just set up a free account, and they already called me. They said they use all the same data, so it prob wouldnt be any different.
But, they are cheaper than build fax if you dont already have an account.,


I was hoping they would be different, because I have buildfax showing no permits quite often when I know there is a permit on file.

Yeah, I can’t see any reason why I wouldn’t just switch and pay less.

I’ll have to look into it. I don’t really do that many, but it’s usually at least 5 and the most has been 10. Although April was on Fire for me, I did 5 wind mits in one week, May was like the burnt out husk after the fire. I think I did 2 wind mits the whole month.

I also ask the HO if they have the permit paperwork to save on the $5

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Hopping it works in my area. Good prices though.

Most municipalities have a search site for permit info. Just google location building permit search.

Here is the one for Tampa.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me! Also using it from your phone is a breeze with our app. Go to the app store and look for Permitchek, or Buildchek.


One large company in Florida pulls over 1500 of them a month. He uses it full-time now. One thing I can tell you is we are constantly updating coverage, so if you find an area, we will get the permits covered in time.