Originally Posted By: jspringstead This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Took me a while to decide to post this story, but… was inspecting a 12 year old 700K home on one of our many lakes here. Had a common see thru glass/log fireplace between dining and living room. Switch on wall next to unit was off. Owner (80+ widow) was home, didn't know how to turn fireplace on. Flipped switch, watch for several seconds, nothing. Open access panel and noticed control valve off. Turned to pilot, depress, click ignition several times while observing. Nothing. Turn control valve off, go to basement, trace gas lines looking for additional gas valve, none. Go back upstairs, turn control back to pilot, get down on knees to look for pilot/spark and hit button....KABOOM! Completely blows up directly into my face! Shattered glass both directions 20-30 ft. 12+ pieces in my face, hair burned off my hands, arms and face. Kinda like slow motion and a big boom and flame. What's the first thing I hear? Listing realtor asking, WHAT DID YOU DO!!!! Needless to say, I was upset, ( but unhurt really) and I told him the safety valve must have malfunctioned. I turned the gas valve off and got my gas tester out and made sure no gas was flowing out, including the unit in the basement. He decides to call the gas company to make sure there's no danger, I say fine, then tells me they want 200.00 since its Monday Memorial day. Who’s gonna pay for the service call he says??? I say the homeowner, he’s says we’ll “work it out”
Gas company shows up, tests, concludes the “gas safety valve malfunctioned” DUH! Now their feeling a little sheepish and say not to worry, their gonna have both fireplaces inspected and repaired. Great I say. I now have much more respect for gas appliances, and thank God that I had on my $ 1.00 reading glasses so I could see then, and I can still see now! Take care guys, that’s over 1000 inspections I’ve completed and the first time I’ve every came close to getting hurt!
Originally Posted By: jspringstead This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Sorry about the double entry guys, forgot to spell check the first, if someone lets me know how to delete it, I’ll do so.
Ya, at least 12 pieces, but they were real little, I think I still have one stuck that's healed over now! Dang, that kind of stuff bothers me!
By the way, I spent a lot of time thinking over what happened, and I'm still glad it was me instead of the widow or my clients. Guess that's why we get the "big bucks"!