This pole/service drop was on the property. First, the service wires for the home, were contacting the metal conduit on the side of pole. Now, wouldn’t wind/wire movement be a potential concern due to wires possibly becoming abraded on metal edges? Secondly, the pole definitely has a “lean” to it. Would you comment on this stuff? Would you want to know if you were buying house? Should I just mention and tell them to consult with electrical provider?
I realize that somethings are out of our scope, however, if its a potential concern/problem, I’ll let them know. I would want to know if I were a buyer.
Any helpful comments/insight is always appreciated.
Personally, I might only make a comment on the pole if that is the service to the home; however, I would also probably note the number onthe pole and report it to the PoCo myself.
I always include observations of the visible portions of the electrical service because it is my client who will be unhappy if it fails, whether or not required by the SOP.