That does not look like a floor band. It looks like a ledger. Even if it were a floor band, we would still see nails securing it to the framing.
I agree, but ya know…sometimes woulda’s and shoulda’s are not done and that is why we have jobs. This is one of those things where I’ve gone to the builder and asked what did they do. Sometimes it has been an “Ahaa” for me and a couple of times, it has been, “Uhh, you can’t do it that way…” Once on a sloppy deck guard rail, the builder said the city had approved it and I said I would call the city inspector up. The builder immediately replied that he would change it.
AHJs pretty much everywhere approve climbable guardrails, but I still point out the hazard.
I would have had the same head scratch questions that the OP has and I think he was right to question this deck.
Hello, my name is Jose, and new to InterNACHI. Just to take a shot at this photo, I would wonder why the joist does not have any support underneath. Looking at the deck picture it looks super clean however looks like one of the footers is too close to the edge. I do not see any lag bolts fastened to the house. This is just my opinion and remember, I’m a newbie.
Good eye Jose. I just noticed that in the pic too and would have noted that the support beam appears to be on the the edge of it’s supporting foundation (which is not a footing is this particular situation). But a good observation.
Here’s a picture of the plate connecting the support posts. Do you still think that the connections are weak and that the deck needs cross support bracing?
Sorry for the lack of pictures earlier. The joists do have hangers at the beam connection, although some of the joists again appear to not be resting in the hangers properly.
I am now thinking the same thing. Check out how the hangers are not fully wrapped around the girders. I’m having trouble finding installation instructions for these HUC412s.
It was stucco siding, but it would not make sense to me to see a floor band joist being flush with siding. That’s one reason why I would call it a ledger.
That is a tall front balcony. The columns long and only connected vertically with a I plate. A T plate would have been a better choice. Cross bracing helps resist sway. Even a 1" x 2" secured diagonally to each joists would give substantive sway bracing.
Builders do not like cross bracing because it is also the most conspicuous of the common bracing practices.
Adam. Think ‘over the life span’ of the balcony and what shear force can do to connections.
For 1 the connections locations to components. The upper column is split inline with the lag bolts. Coincidence proximity to checking or installation proximity defect? Add some shear force and the crack will travel up the column while weakening the connection. Wind shear force will test every connection.
As for the guard rail. How high was it?
On a tangent…if I was an IRC writer, I would change the requirements for joist hangers. The flanges that secure the joist are too short. Joist hangers should be at least 1/2" deeper for the fasteners (whether nails or screws) to bite more wood. As joist hangers are currently designed, even if the carpenter fully seats the joist in the hanger, the joist is barely toe nailed in place. If you have ever torn an old deck down, the joist ends are frequently split out where the nails went.
Larry, we predict visible defects actions. The upper column is split inline with the lag bolts. 1: Recommend a licensed general contractor or deck builder reinforcing that area. 2: Install diagonal bracing. There is non.
Although I can not see or measure water entering an area that is plainly deficient does not mean it does not happen.
Recommend further review by a licensed general contractor.
In my area the plans are on file, but only the current owner can see them, and then not take pictures (you have to go in, and view them on a screen without your cell phone).
[quote="Larry Kage, CMI, post:29, topic:243630, username:lkage”]
"The home inspection is based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions.”
Thomas, I had not noticed that before you mentioned it, but I went back and looked at it again. The support post base was indeed overhanging the porch slab.
Building codes require guards and railings for decks, balconies, and other surfaces that are more than 30 inches above the ground. Guards for residential decks and balconies need a height between 36 inches and 42 inches , depending on the height of the surface above grade.
Too low.
I made a request for the Building Permit Plan Submittal for Pioneer Point Townhomes, and received it today. @bcawhern1 The balcony detail shows that the ledger board is supposed to have 1/2" thru bolts at 16" on center. So the thru bolts might be hidden behind the joists, but I do not know. Either way, I pointed it out to the client in my report as not being present or visible.