Feedback on TPR discharge

Relatively new to the inspection business, and am noting that about half of the water heaters I’ve inspected have TPR defects related to discharge in the same room. I see many routed outside (through the wall), many plumbed into the house drain/waste. It’s very clear how this should be set up, but I’m seeing this defect even on brand new homes. Experienced inspectors, thoughts?

Tends to be a local thing. Depends on the AHJ. Main thing is it shouldn’t be restricted (this includes pipe diameter downsize) and the discharge end should have an air gap (gap between the drain or floor).

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If you are seeing this ‘often’ on new (less than 10 years) you may want to make a stop at your local AHJ office and have a chat with them. Bring a few photos and pick their brains to try and understand their opinion on why it is allowed. You may find the practice is allowed locally, BUT, it also may not be performed 100% and they are missing it. Could be a win-win for both of you!

  1. where are you located?
  2. what exactly is the defect you are referring to?

It’s a very rare day I ever see a water heater installed 100% correctly.


Around here, each municipality is free to choose what versions of the ICC Codes they want to follow and make their own amendments. I have found that ol’ GooGoo can help you out with this. If you can’t find anything on the www then contact your local AHJ directly.


Hotly debated topic. I fall on the side that they are a safety device and I will check them unless the discharge will go someplace that I don’t want it to go.

How about this? Saw it today. Homeowner was quite proud that his discharge vented through the roof….the roof! Heater was in basement of a 2 story house.

No reason to be proud of doing it wrong!

I don’t understand what does the TPRV discharge vented through the roof mean? How does a drain vent? What exactly are we looking at? There is no description of the photograph.


Proper terminology is a key to understanding. :shushing_face: :wink:


I think we have a secondary drain off of the TPRV drain, but the actual drain pipe runs off to the left then up and away :smile:

Pretty common here, except I have never seen it go to the roof!


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Ok so maybe that branch goes up to the roof. I hope the OP describes better in his clients reports.


The arrow and circle did it for you huh?

Thank you for illustrating the obvious in that picture. Guess I should have done that. Just figured by looking at it any qualified HI could see the issue.


Yup…good luck to this one🙂


I was not responding to you. I see you are still stirring up shit even when you are not a part of the conversation. Thanks for nosing in, always a pleasure.

No matter how long you stir a bucket of shit…it is still a bucket of shit. Keep up the good work.


Yes, luck will do it… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Things got a bit weird when you described it as a vent. Even a monkey would know better than to say that. This is monkey business right?