We got called to inspect a house. The roof was replaced in 2021. When going through the attic we found the vent stack to the heater was not attached. It had been like this since the roofers pulled the roof Jack to do the roof. They didn’t even check if it was installed properly after completing the roof and had already started to cause issues n the insulation layer of the roof.
good catch
Important finding!
Did the house have Carbon Monoxide detectors? Any history there?
Note in my area the water heater (and only the water heater) there’s an inspection requirement to check for “three screws”. There’s no matching requirement for any other flue. I’d say the original problem in your case is not so much the roofers but the HVAC installer not securing that pipe. If using a double wall snap lock, an extra sheet metal screw prevents accidental removal of the flue.
Good catch, James. I made it a habit over the years to be diligent regarding flue pipes when I inspected a home that has had a roof replacement.
I think there should be a requirement of some sort to confirmation that the flues have not been disconnected.
I have seen it dozens of times myself.
Roof replaced 5 years ago…so for 5 years, this…
Is the second picture of Duct work?
Robert, who’s photo are you asking about? The OP’s 2nd photo is the underside of the roof decking. My second photo is a disconnected exhaust flue.
The second and third is the decking of the roof. OSB wrapped in a foil material. It’s showing signs of heat damage.
The OP’s photo’s are clickable and zoomable.
Yours are not, so it’s difficult to tell what you have circled.
I’m assuming your third one is a PVC vent pipe?
No HVAC involved. Basically roof removes roof Jack that flu connects to. Replaces roof and reinstalls Jack through the process. I think there was a little angle from the roof Jack and the exhaust vent of the unit so when they pulled it I think they just pushed it into the pipe not thinking about what happened below. And I know for sure they didn’t go in the attic to check as home owner stated that. They couldn’t live it out of okace because either it was screw d or glued to the roof Jack.
Definitely. Needs to be some kind of law making roofers have it inspected to make sure everything was done and assembled correctly.
Had carbon monoxide detectors build into smoke detectors in the house. But no carbon monoxide in attic. It was a gas heater. U need to verify state law if it’s required in the attic but I thought it was.
Photo 1 and 2 are disconnected furnace exhaust flue pipes
Photo 3, correct…disconnected PVC sanitary drain vent pipe
I need to verify state law in it. Not u. Dang auto correct.
I’ve seen similar at least once a year. Not always a furnace flue, but see disconnected and dislodged bath vents, and plumbing vents from roofer work.