Fire Rated Attic Hatch Graphic

Attached is a method to make a fire rated attic hatch by lining the wood frame inside with drywall and trim the access panel to sit on top of the liner.


Request: could you amend that graphic to show both a layer of ply and a gypsum layer for the access panel itself. Unless the panel has 5/8" type X at least around here, it would not be considered fire rated.

Even better show a sandwich:

5/8" type X drywall liner… underneath
5/8" type X underneath…
1/2" ply underneath…
2" of solid foam…
with edges primed and painted to avoid drywall dust and breakage.

Optional smoke seal gasket.

Bryce, send me a sketch or link of what you need.

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Here is a more detailed attic hatch with additional options such as:

  • Air seal foam strip
  • Reference to optional 5/8" Type X drywall
  • Plywood backer for drywall access panel
  • Foam board insulation for access panel
  • Extension box to hold back insulation


wow, just wow!!

what is the the air seal, is it like weather-strip on a door

Mark, yes a foam strip

Very nice graphic Randy, but I don’t think I would go as far as to call it Fire Rated. It does not have a classification from U.L. as a tested Fire Rated Assembly.
I think a Fire and smoke Resistive assembly would be more appropriate not to confuse any new and younger inspectors. Just like the ceiling with only one layer of type C drywall, is not a tested assembly.
Just my opinion.

You’re The Best!

I Agree Marcel. I have modified them as attic access for UNINSULATED and INSULATED attics.