Fla.: Tougher Building Code Proposed

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Fla.: Tougher Building Code Proposed

(November 25) -- Proposed changes to the Florida building code could help reduce builders' costs and bring state codes more in-line with those of other states and the International Building Code. The Florida Building Commission (FBC) met in October to approve amendments that would include a relaxation of strict hurricane-reinforcement requirements and the transition of governance from state to local officials. Currently, the FBC is reviewing the proposals and is not expected to take any action until March 2004.

Robert Fine, with international law firm Greenberg Traurig in Miami, says the uniform code will help reduce builders' costs, once the learning curve period is over, and make it easier for out-of-state architecture, engineering, and construction companies to work in Florida. If approved, the code will be published for a six-month review period on July 1, 2004. The state's new code is expected to go into effect January 1, 2005, according to Fine. Fine believes that "as long there are no legal challenges," the code will be on track for that date.

?By Bridget McCrea for REALTOR? Magazine Online

Originally Posted By: csoutherland
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Does anyone besides me see a problem with this proposal?

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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Originally Posted By: psabados
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Homestead II??


Originally Posted By: jpeck
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Hey, just what we need. Relax the building code under the guise of a ‘tougher building code’ headline.

Wow! Can you imagine that! I guess they finally realized that Hurricane Andrew saved this region ecomonically (building boom) during the last (current) recession and just could not bear to not allow for a continuation of it.

I can't see it going back to the local officials though, that's why it went to the state, to get some consistency in the codes. Of course, now the state is spending big time on it, hmmmm ... just might happen ... then the builders will really be ticked off, cause we'll be right back where we were 2 years ago.

Jerry Peck
South Florida

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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Oh and how fun it will be to have the counties in charge, and living right on the border between two of em. hooray. icon_eek.gif
