Flex duct routed to roof vent

Any idea why flex duct would be routed from beside an attic heat pump to a roof vent? 1st time seeing this.

Have a photo? Year built? Year of heat pump? Model #?

I attached a couple of photos. Home was built in 2013.

Did it connect to return plenum? Fresh air intake for tight construction.


Is it ran from the HVAC return ? It may be a make up for a kitchen exhaust.

That does not look like it is connected to anything.

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You’re right as I zoom in it appears to be just laying on top of the insulation.

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I has never connected to anything, just laying there.

There’s no kitchen exhaust.

Either something changed… or perhaps it meant to serve a bathroom exhaust. We were not there :slight_smile: if it was not connected, it’s anyone’s guess.


Well, it might not be for the heat pump, or awaiting an air exchanger. Right now as it sits, it’s fairly static.

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Is the heat pump new, or original to the house, 2013? What does the vent look like on the roof ( exhaust or intake)?

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It’s original to the house. It terminates at a standard attic roof vent


I would chase down all the bathroom vents. Once those are eliminated you are left with a maybe.

Fresh air can be added to the HVAC system, but the photo is lacking those components such as a damper and filter.

Here is a little something on the subject. I’m sure there are better links FRESH AIR FOR VENTILATION AND BUILDING PRESSURIZATION | Contracting Business


I think Simon is correct.


Likely it was fro a make up air vent that was never connected though it’s unusual to see it terminate through the roof. Maybe they forgot. I’ve seen them forget several times…Sometimes they forget a proper termination outside or to connect it to the system at the air return…It’s insulated and typically around here bath vents, dryer vents and kitchen exhaust fans are not insulated.