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Easier to remove the tape then to add it to your report.
Maybe so, but I don’t make repairs on a house I don’t own. Do you? I used this, with other issues found to show the buyer the quality of work found in a $500,000 house he was buying. This was not the only issue found.
What stage of construction was this home? I often find small things overlooked that require a contractor to return. Such as a dust cover on a smoke alarm, removal of form boards, protective film etc.
That’s more than I usually find on my new builds. I usually find an opening with no AAV glued in.
It’s completed. No permits… the owner is an LLC…new bathrooms, new kitchen cabinets and appliances… all done by the owner. They bought it for $300k 9 months ago, it’s been on the market for about 30 days, selling for $550K. It’s typical for flips in this area - slap new cabinets and countertops in, but they forget the little things. There’s builder-grade windows that won’t stay up, a bedroom door that won’t close, switch covers missing, a wall inside a bedroom closet they forgot to finish painting…
Owners die of a thousand slices with all these nuisance defects. Flippers no longer perform a final punch list these days because they get lazy in a seller’s market.
I’ve changed my attitude a little with these guys. Their goal is to make a home marketable, that’s it. In a nice way, I help my clients manage their expectations. In most cases, these homes are a remodel, not a renovation no matter what the listing says.
This would not be a repair. It’s just tape. And I will install missing outlet covers as long as it’s just a couple. Why have a plumber come out to remove tape? It’s a waste of time for everyone.
Why give the plumber a free pass? And this wasn’t done by a plumber… I would be shocked to find the seller calling anyone as they did this themselves. I’ll let them remove the cover.
It’s easy to become cynical as an inspector. I would caution against the bias. We do not justify our existence by inflicting penalties onto others or gathering as many “gotcha moments” as possible.
I have to agree with @wjones18 on this one. It’s ok to smooth the edges as we move along. You do not have to correct it or repair, except maybe the attitude
Exactly. They created the issue, let them deal with the hassle of correcting it, (as simple as it may be. Time is still time… wasted!!).
Besides… perhaps there’s good reason it is in the condition it is. Not my job to figure it out. Same reason why we don’t turn on breakers that are off!
I agree! But I admit, I have removed a bonnet from a smoke alarm and I have installed panel screws. I have even tightened a thing or two along the way. It all depends.
As have I - but it still goes in the report. I’ve even turned on the water at the meter so I could go on with my inspection… but it still goes in my report.This, combined with the other bonehead issues found, describes the quality of work done by the hired help who installed the plumbing.
I inspected one a few weeks ago that had been “recently renovated”.
It looked like the 70’s had thrown up in it.
Good find. Simple mistake. Don’t spook the purchaser.

It looked like the 70’s had thrown up in it
What? You don’t like the 70’s decor with the 3 inch green shag?
This one was in the yellow/orange range but pretty much like that.

This one was in the yellow/orange range but pretty much like that
My brother and sister-in-law bought a condo in the mid 70’s. The whole complex was based on the “Spanish” theme going on at that time. Orange appliances in the kitchen with yellow counters and cabinets. Yellow, brown and orange linoleum floor in the kitchen and baths. Brown shag carpet throughout. Plus, archways and wrought iron railing. Hideous to say the least now days, but I won’t be surprised if it trends back in…minus the shag, but who knows?