I’m new in the field, just saw a used Flir B50 for sale at $2900 plus tax, is it a good camera for home inspection? Is the price good enough for a used unit. Do not know the history of this camera, looks fine though.
Or should I buy a newer model Fluke Tis for about the same price?
Contact me… I can help you get a NEW infrared camera with 2 years of warranty … plus the training to become INFRARED CERTIFIED for $2195. The camera meets the RESNET standards and hundreds have already taken our IR class.
Providing the B50 is in good condition it is a good building diagnostics camera.
There is a vast difference between the camera that John is offering and the B50. If you want to go that route, do his course but buy the B50.
For about $1k more you may want to consider the brand new FLIR E40BX.
One thing to keep in mind when buying a used camera. They are not cheap to get fixed outside of warranty, plus if that camera is 2 years old (or older) then it is up for calibration, which costs in the $500 range. Figure the B50 at $2900 plus calibration (coming up soon if not already needed) is actually $3400.
Since the history of the camera is unknown, and the seller isn’t the user, plus I have no experience with any IR camera, I have no way to check out if it needs calibration or in good working order. Even though it looks like a steal at half price, I’ll let it pass by for now.
Actually John’s Resnet 120x120 energy audit standard, camera would be the almost same. I bet cheaper.
B50 is That is a 140x140 9hz
You can get a new unused Flir I7, 140x140, older technology, for $2,000 or so I have seen.
John can get some great pricing. Do not sell yourself short on that.
INACHI IR course by John at $400.00. You get a membership discount for the following year.
Jim Sefrin’s Infraspection Home Inspectors course at $200. wel worth the money. It was $1,600 when I was getting my feet wet in thermography.
If you were in my neck of the woods I would allow you to use my Ti100.
bar bones Fluke. !60x120 and gets some great thermograms when you manually adjust the level and span. Now I use a Ti300. Fully auto.
As you as well John.
Your students are over the internet and many have no cameras. Many use any camera.
The fact being, Johns course is 16 hours live internet classes. So John does not physically partake in the educational model. All theory, you are emailed the course literature in advance, once you are paid in full of course.
Please verify all information, John. I guess you just forgot.
The abouit John’s official INFRARED CERTIFIED training webinar.
Is it in classroom.
Is he in person.
Yes he is at the other end of a live camera.
So, as Linas, John’s live in classroom classes are with students interacting in person?
You ever do a class?
Sorry for the edit. I almost feel off my chair with members like Linas speak.
Speak as Linas then Linas.
Give it your best shot then Chuck.
I do not.
Remember though, without insinuating what might happen, or has not yet happened and without treasonous intentions.