Has anyone looked at using the FLIR C2? Is the quality good enough for thermal inspections?
Piece of crap…
If you don’t understand why, you should not even be considering.
It is a “personal” imsger. A hobby. Look it up st Flir. It says PERSONAL USE.
There is actually a few reviews on the FLIR C2 site of Home Inspectors using it for their Inspections and liking it. I’m a licensed Mold Assessment Consultant through another company and I have a C2 that I use. I love it. But I’ve never used the more expensive cameras so I don’t have a comparison.
So you take everything that you hear on this message board as gospel?
Ignorance is bliss for many home inspectors.
Read some of the active infrared post going on right now you can see the difference between cameras.
If it wasn’t for the MSX telling you what you were looking at, nobody would have a clue and all these cheap camera’s would be off the market or in the garbage! The fact that MSX even exists should tell you something!
Turn off the MSX on this and try to figure it out. And this is a good one!
Scroll down and see scans that you actually can work with.
All Temps please.
Ti300 thermograms.
What does that app look like, and how does it help a client?
What do you want?
Average ambient temperature, background temperature, set level and span temp please.
Spot markers & color Alarm would help IMO.
Appears to be standard ironbow pallette.
You are showing color without reference to temperature.
Loose conductor conection on main lug. Possibly a mechanical breaker conductor is hot.
Appears you have the service equipment is under load:-)
A current clamp meter connected to the camera’s software would be a great at collecting data.
Much thanks David.
The purpose of the thermal scans
posted is to support my claim that the OP’s Flir One scan may look like it’s showing elevated temperature but it may not be anything.
The comparison of my two scans look the same. They were intentionally in the common iron pallet. All temperatures were removed. The camera was set in the automatic mode.
If you look at the name of the scan it lists the temperature differential between the ambient panel temperature and the electrical conductor. Though they both look the same there is a huge temperature differential between the two scans. That is the point.
All too many camera owners indicate they are only doing qualitative scans and the temperatures don’t matter. But you cannot diagnose anything based upon looks alone. One of these scans is totally insignificant and the other one is “get the hell out of here now”.
The point: you can’t turn on the camera and pointed at something and expect the results from the camera to make a determination as to severity or even if you should discuss what you see with your client.
I do not have the information from the Flir One I can make assumptions based on its overall view that the temperature span is extremely small and those hot spots could be a mere 3 to 5°F above the ambient temperature in the room. But they still look like they’re on fire.
Send this lack of information to a electrician and tell them to fix it and see what happens. You’ll end up with mud on your face and possibly a lawyer biting you in the a s s.