Originally Posted By: jeff zurblis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
A section of this home I inspected is on 4x4 stilts about 4’ high, it has 6" floor joists. The posts are on 12" x 12" concrete pads (which is okay in GA). It is untreated wood and the 4"x4"'s are mounted directly into the cement. These are violations, but how far of a run till the joists have to be supported by a beam? How much distance in between each 4" x 4" post? It has been awhile and I have forgotten.
Originally Posted By: Aaron Rosenbaum This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I know that 2x8 joists (if Douglas fir) can go 12’ safely. If made of spruce, redwood, etc… Its only 10’. I’m guessing (just a guess) that 2x6’s can’t go no further then 6-8 feet (safely, that is)…About the 4x4s, I’m unsure about that