Originally Posted By: dedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Having looked into a number of Mold courses, the $495 isn’t that bad of a price tag believe it or not. The first job could almost pay for the education. The next job the equipment. I missed an opportunity to take a Mold 2 day course sponsored / hosted by the NW Florida chapter of NACHI here in Pensacola recently. Had a conflicting schedule but talked with the guys just today that took it and they were very happy with the results of the training. In this business you got to spend a little money to make money and education / certifications pays back in a hurry, especially in the slow periods. Just something to think about.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Richard,
my only point on this is that it will be very difficult in future for any legislative effort to ignore college based classes, whereas they could discount other training criteria.
Originally Posted By: jbushart This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Honestly, I am not really certain I can see what legislation really has to do with this issue. With it or without it being law, it seems to me that mold issues in Florida and the opportunity to train to address them would be in anyone’s best interest. It sounds like a pretty good deal.
Originally Posted By: sbyrnes This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The one thing I noticed about what Gerry posted is that they offer the total building concept including both testing and remediation. From what I remember of the bill they want to separate the two, which makes perfect sense. You don’t want a home inspector that also repairs whatever he finds wrong, you don’t want a mold tester cleaning what he finds as well. Too easy to say,“Yep, I cleaned it, tested it again, and it’s all better.”
The bill will eventually pass. Once they separate the two, giving both a different license, both will pass. From my research, the price tag is right in line with some of the others offering the education courses. Will it fall in line with the licensing, I'm going to agree with Gerry and say that when it comes to education, the state will more than accept it. They prefer you having actual college classes to get licensed than just some certificate online course. States love education!!
-- All Corners Home Inspections, Inc
Serving Pasco, Hernando, N. Pinellas & N. Hillsborough counties
Originally Posted By: Richard LaPierre This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If anyone has any questions regarding the class in Aug at Hillsborough Community College, just send me a message and I will be happy to discuss it with them.
By the way this is the first time I have attempted to use your message board and hope it goes through okay.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Rick,
welcaome to the message board system, I am pleased you logged into our system, members may ask more about these courses so check back later for questions and/or comments.
Welcome to the 21st century 
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Whether the educational requirements as set forth in law accredits a college or not will be based purely on how the law is written. For instance, it is doubtful that community colleges or universities here in NY will be able to offer the full-blown HI educational program, as certain requirements of the law will make it difficult, if not impossible in some cases, for a college to offer what is needed.
The mold course is probably an okay thing, but I wouldnt count my chickens before they hatch that this course will be automatically approved for licensing, imply because it is being offered at the "college" level.
I'd hate to see anyone pay for training, that may be either premature or incomplete.
This is especially true of mold will be added to next year's attempt at HI licensing.
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: rbennett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
What you say makes sense
This ed thing can cost a lot of time and $$
My advice is take the course for ed sake and if fits the state or NACHI for ed or ce that is great but don't count on it.
In the mold area the real $$ is sending your sample into the lab and that is their goal. If the course is taught by someone that is not connected to a lab I would say that we are getting the correct info.
Its called follow the $$$
Remember the license is in the hands of only a few with their own special interest agenda. Here in FL mold and HI are becoming very attached issues - IMO this is not right. Mold should not be attached to HI