I’m so glad that I belong to the most powerful Home Inspection Association in the country. Nick, you are absolutely correct. Those of us that have met all the InterNachi requirements and that have been in the business for over five years + and are running a successful business should be grandfather in period. The expenses to obtain the license are absurd. We in the panhandle are with you 100%. Let us know if you need any support when you go to Tallahassee??? I take my had to you. Your commitment to this organization speaks for itself. Thanks!
This would make great talking points for the meetings. Members should have a list of membership requirements and a page with useful info to give the board.
I booked my flight for the first two meetings.
Nick, let me know if you need us to be there with you??? Please provide location to meet. It is a 4 hours round trip.
Come to whatever meeting is closest to you: www.nachi.org/florida.htm
We will be there.
Which one ya goin’ to?
Tallahassee. We will have to get up early they are one hour ahead of us in Panama City Beach. Let me know where we meet?? and at what time???
I look forward to see you, Nick
John M. Acaron
Cell: 850-814-3889
I will be at the Orlando meeting!!! Thanks.
Nick, I will be at the Orlando meeting.
If you are going to the meeting and want to wear an InterNACHI T-Shirt, email me fastreply@nachi.org and tell me which meeting you are going to, what size shirt you want, blue or white, and your shipping address. I’ll send you one.
Floridians get on-board and get yout T-shirt. We need to support Nick. He is there for us!
I snail mailed nearly 1,000 Florida InterNACHI members today. Every member should attend.
I will attend the Fort Lauderdale/Margate meeting.
I am sure Nick will keep us all informed but the DBPR will add you to the newsletters list and email you direct with new info if you go click on the home inspector info and request to be added. I got this same info today from dbpr.
Brian, which meeting will you be attending?
Nick, is your intent to be present at every meeting?
Hey Nick,
Let me know if you are coming to Orlando. If so we could have a chapter meeting on the 12th.